The guy in the middle is not.
Braaten was one of the neo-theos of the LCA. He was one of the frauds behind the Christian Dogmatics book used at all the seminaries. The two-volume work rejected all the articles of the Christian faith, and it was seen as a confessional bulwark against the inroads of the radicals. I am not kidding.
Now he is angry and perplexed that ELCA has taken his work to the next logical level, downward.
He wrote about it here. Read it if you are bored, lonely, and reruns of Wheel of Fortune are canceled.
WELS-ELS-LCMS neos - that is your future. As you rot away in retirement, you will see all your work go down the drain as you watch even worse radicals throw it all away. God does indeed grant Hell on earth, and you will experience it. So mote it be.