Monday, June 21, 2010

Appleton Blogger - A Class Act

Appleton Blogger:
I sincerely ask that you take my posts with a light heart. They are not intended for people who are new to Dr. Jackson or his antics, or people who are just discovering his blog. I know from experience that WELS folks with tender hearts are often sincerely bothered by the extreme lack of even the most basic courtesies encountered there.


GJ - The blogger seems unduly interested in vomit and excrement, with a photo of me as a cat sitting on a toilet, as if using it, and then another cat with its head in the toilet. Yes, he writes for the tender-hearted. The cat is labeled "church lady, bruce church, Brett Meyer."

Posted on the Appleton blog.

Here is his riff on vomit: "For Greggy, the show usually consists of puking up a puddle half-truths about people, places and events with clever-yet-degrading nicknames, and then mentioning something about how intelligent he is -- usually relating to one of his degrees. (Greggy takes the WASP accumulation mentality to a new high. More titles = better than you.)"

Needless to say, this is typical juvenile Mequon behavior.

The Appleton blogger has tried to distinguish himself from the person who attacked my deceased daughters on the fake Ichabod blog -

"BTW, Greg. In answer to your speculation, I am not and never have been part of C&C. I'm not the person who made fun of your daughters, either. "

Yet he also writes this for the tender-hearted who like vomit and excrement posts:

"If you are such a person, please refer to the excellently written response-blog listed below:"

Who were the first to be followers of the fake Ichabod blog?
Answer - Joe Krohn, the RockNRoll blogger, and Tim Felt-Needs, both ardent Church and Changers who also deny belonging to that perfidious bunch.

Krohn is Don Patterson's buddy, and Tim is the cheerleader for Victory of the Lamb, another movie theater entertainment style venue.

The Church and Changers must have to swear a secret oath that they will deny being Changers whenever asked - or even before they are asked.

Appleton blogger - keep posting. Your cowardice and deceit are on display for all Lutherans to read and admire.

I realize you are committed to entertainment, not the Means of Grace. You are entertaining people. That should not be confused with convincing them.

One person already wrote to the Appleton blogger:

Jack Campbell said... All I know is that advocates of the church growth movement are a lot more ruthless than Pastor Jackson could ever be. If you don't like rock n' roll bands in the chancel and gospel-less sermons you are basically told to "find another church." I have suffered this kind of treatment myself in a 'Shrinker" LCMS congregation. The wannabee Baptists that have wormed their way into positions of power in WELS must be confronted and given a chance to repent of their Reformed enthusiasm!

Let the blogger in Appleton return to his vomit. We await his next revelation from his Father Below:

NIV Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. - Using the NIV for the reading-impaired graduates of Mequon.