with six other WELS church workers,
including John Parlow.
Fox Valley is the doctrinal sewer of WELS,
thanks to Witte, Parlow, Kelm, Ash, Ski,
and Deputy Doug Englebrecht.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "The Gnats Are Swarming Again: Shrinker Drama Queen...":
Hi Dr. Jackson, You can tell you've held the anonymous blogger's attention for a while. He uses the handle Anonymouse with an "e" on the end, and a search on your blog confirmed my recollection that this handle hadn't appeared for a while--since November 16, 2009 to be exact. So he's another satisfied reader that keeps coming back!:
GJ - The tipsy drama queen is not very bright. I kidded him about his general incompetence - not just in spelling - and soon his comment came through on email, time-stamped the same moment Appleton was glowing in Feedjit.
Do y'all remember when I identified Garland, Texas as a place where regular, hateful comments came from? That stopped soon after.
The lily-livers do not like to be identified. But they do want attention and demand that their deathless prose be published. The (sic) drives them crazy.
Anonymouse has a long history. My key Lutheran friends noticed that he erupted into a tantrum every time I exposed Church and Change. I called him Anonymouse and began using various rodent pictures to depict his skittering about, nameless and soulless.
Mouse is trying to deny his Church and Chicanery credentials, just as Kudu Don Patterson did (before winging it to the latest C and C conference). But alas - Mouse has given himself away by using Shrinker in his title and complaining about my treatment of his Shrinker friends.
David Valleskey, another perennial liar, tried to distinguish between Fuller Seminary and the Fuller School of Evangelism when he denied going there - a distinction without a difference.
Those who understood WELS GA--their secret initiation rite, their only sacrament--also know that shading words is part of the WELS conformist tradition. The District Popes were taught to say, "We are not for Church Growth, but for Church Growth."
Denials from an anonymouse liar, who cannot spell, will not have much credibility.
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "The Gnats Are Swarming Again: Shrinker Drama Queen...":
I think we have another sputterer here! I notice only 1 person has commented, and that person disagreed with him. He has no followers. It was about as lame as the MLC video. I don't think he's long for the blogesphere.
Keep up the good work Church Lady!

The Shrinkers support him.
Everyone else knows the truth.
He is not Lutheran - he is WELS.