Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Freddy's Post about Intrepid Lutherans

Lutherans of Intrepid Heart: Standing on Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions

Intrepid Lutherans

This is the sort of thing that makes one's Lutheran heart race: Lutheran clergymen and laymen offering their good names and reputations in a public stand on Scripture and the Confessions. It appears that the men of Intrepid Lutherans are calling for open theological discussion on several matters that have been at the center of public controversy for a number of years now -- matters of issue which we will recognized as having been featured and debated at length in forums like Bailing Water, analyzed here on The Finkelsteinery and sometimes exposed on Ichabod and in other forums. They are also calling upon fellow members of the WELS clergy and laity to publicly stand with them.

This is very exciting. I would encourage any and all WELS clergymen and laymen of stout heart and firm confessional conviction to lend their names, and thus also their support, to this bold public venture.


GJ - I have had non-members attend my adult class simply because I advertised that I would have a series on Christian doctrine. I cannot imagine anything more effective than the efficacious Word of God.