Monday, June 21, 2010

The Gnats Are Swarming Again:
Shrinker Drama Queen Reveals His Ugliness

Another abused and neglected WELS child has started a blog,
or is it simply the same tipsy drama queen?

I assume this is the fake blogger from before, ashamed to reveal his name. If so, he is the same illiterate person who attacked my deceased daughters - brave, ethical soul that he is.

Here is the link.

He probably wanted to be ignored so he could play the martyr. I think people ought to read his blog.

I wonder what got his goat this time. Surely he realizes what the gay MLC video says about all of his fellow law-breakers.

He rages against using the Internet, which is what he is doing - anonymously.

He raves against photo satires, something he cannot do.

In the name of love, he has to attack people who comment on this blog, including the incredibly polite and deferential WELS Church Lady.

He writes in the style of a WELS church worker:

"Your blog made me decided (sic) that the high road isn't nearly as fun (or easy) as getting down in the muck with the name-callers."

I am glad he is so willing to reveal the nature of the Church and Changers. Some people think they are nice guys because they talk about love and outreach. They are nasty, vituperative, dishonest, greedy, and thick-headed.

The blogger has let on that their nest of vipers has been disturbed by the truth being revealed. Lutherans are laughing at the Church and Changers, too. They are a pathetic bunch: power mad, inarticulate, slow to listen, quick to anger.

One complaint has been heard around WELS - "Whatever topic we look up, the first post is from Ichabod."

I am happy to link the lily-livered blogger for now, if he keeps producing. Previous blogs against me have sputtered and stopped.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for a single Church and Change website or blog to link Ichabod. They will not because they are already frightened of the traffic going here.