Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time Is Running Out and Pastors Do Not Do Their Jobs

Meanwhile, future ELCA pastors are blessing their compost tumblers in the chapel
at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Bored Advice":

I agree with Brett Meyer and Bored in this respect - if the synod cannot face its doctrinal apostasy, there is no hope. That may happen in time, but many laity will have to force the issue.

A note about time. Many currently think they have time and will address the apostasy and blatant errors later, when time permits or the situation becomes such that they won't stand out as much as if they nipped the issue in the bud alone and at great cost now.

Time. There is very little of it left. A realistic view of what the current and future government(s) intend to allow as far as open confession and practice concerning Scriptural doctrine and how long they will allow the internet to be open and free will show that there is very little time left to benefit from such an expansive and informative resource. It's a reminder of the Biblical account of the bride grooms and the oil in their lamps. Many are putting off today what they will not be allowed to do tomorrow. If they will not promote and defend right doctrine and practice today (in alignment with Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions) for the price of a few skinned knuckles, what will they do tomorrow when the price is your life of the lives of those they love.

Time. There's very little of it left. And by the grace and mercy of God this continues to be more and more true as the glorious day of Christ approaches. May the Lord grant His Church an abundant harvest while it is still day and His Word continues to be taught in it's truth and purity.


viewpoint ( has left a new comment on your post "Rebuke False Doctrine":

Yes, reprove, rebuke, exhort false teachers and pastors with all longsuffering and doctrine wherever and whenever you find them. Failure to do so has led to the current state of apostasy. Truth be known such pastors and teachers do NOT know best. They do NOT even care about the truth.


GJ - The vast majority of clergy will do nothing.