Monday, August 9, 2010

Father Hollywood Refutes Guilt by Association

You call me gay for being in the Mary Lou College video?

Father Hollywood has left a new comment on your post "Faint Praise for Gaba":

"Romanizer" is a childish taunt.

It's like a schoolboy calling another schoolboy "gay" for disagreeing with him on a matter unrelated to sexuality.

A Romanizer believes the pope is the head of the church by divine rite. A Romanizer would never quote the Book of Concord - especially not authoritatively. A Romanizer does not advocate for the Lutheran Common Service. Anyone who calls Deacon Gaba a "Romanizer" is engaging in an entirely inappropriate character assassination, and is, hopefully, only operating out of parrotlike ignorance.

It goes to show how deeply people misunderstand the Reformation. Some people think incense, bells, vestments, a dignified celebration of the liturgy, and traditional western ecclesiastical (and confessional!) terminology is somehow "Romanizing." It is as pathetic as people who think being Lutheran has something to do with Martin Luther King or having red doors on the front of the church. Such people not only don't seem to grasp what "Romanism" is, they don't seem to know what Lutheranism is.

And so, like the slack-jawed characters in the film "Idiocracy," all they can do is call people a meaningless slur because that's all they can do to engage in the discussion.