Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ski and Playmat MariQueen

wistex (http://wistex.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "From the Bores at The CORE (Wisconsin Emerging Lib...":

Let's look at a couple of key statements in that newsletter:

"Pastor Jason, a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma said, 'Pastor Ski and I developed the series so that we could be partners in it. He preached in Oconomowoc and Appleton on July 4th and 11th. I preached in Oconomowoc and Appleton on July 18th and 25th.

'We figured that two long Sundays was (sic - subject verb agreement) a cheap price to pay for two Sundays "off". Plus, it is a positive experience for both congregations to hear the same truth about Jesus presented in a slightly different style.'"

I assume that when "Pastor Jason" says they "developed the series," they mean they, together, logged in to http://open.lifechurch.tv/series/76 , took the sermon topics, and downloaded the materials. Maybe "developed" means that they engaged in the difficult task of winnowing the six weeks of sermons down to four.

Also, when they talk about "two long Sundays," I certainly feel for them. It's got to be just brutal to have to preach twice in one day. How do all those other pastors who preach three or more times in a weekend do it? And they do their own Bible studies, confirmation classes, and home/hospital visits, too?!

Why doesn't the District President do someth... oh, wait. Never mind.