Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fox Valley WELS Is Not the Exception - Fox Valley Is WELS

The LCMS kicked out Stolzenburg for cause and WELS immediately made him a pseduo-pastor,
without joining WELS, without colloquy,
before they promoted him for his current position. Why?
Money and Church Growth doctrine.
The ELS also supported him, until people discovered the facts.

There is always a faint possibility that exposing the truth about Fox Valley will make a difference. Gradually people will realize that the plagiarism of false teachers is not the exception in WELS but the essence of WELS.

This is the WELS playbook, which they follow carefully - everywhere:

  1. Tight-lipped Doctrinal Pussycats and Circuit Pussycats will claim, "We are addressing this right now, but it has to be kept confidential." (Translation - we will bury alive anyone who tells the truth.)
  2. Anyone who dares to ask from that point will treated as the chief cause of all the problems.
  3. The perpetrators will be soothed and flattered so their feelings are no longer hurt.
  4. WELS will use a scapegoat as the cause for their problems. Herman Otten used to work for them, but he is so cooperative in spiking stories that WELS needs another scapegoat. Ichabod.
  5. WELS will drive out any layman or pastor who is persistent in thinking Fox Valley has deep, divisive problems.
  6. Fox Valley will get far worse, because the perpetrators will know they have total protection and any dissenter will give up.

WELS has institutionalized evil. Proof comes from its cherished GA hazing ritual and all the hazing that leads up to it. But that is just a symptom of its precious amalgamation of Pietism, self-worship, and Lutheran flavoring (extra lite).

Would the leaders who cannot tell the truth about two murders hesitate to cover up widespread plagiarism? Eventually people will realize they are in an abusive cult, not a Lutheran church body.

Stealing from false teachers has been a career booster for WELS pastors for decades. Questioning plagiarism means doubting the leadership of WELS, back to 1977, and even before.

When all the WELS mission people were listed as being trained at Fuller Seminary, there was great consternation. Nothing was done. When I asked about it a second time, the WELS pastor refused to give me details. Ditto - information about an ELS pastor who wrote a bragging letter about going to Fuller. The Fullerite served on the ELS Board of Doctrine! I asked for a second copy of the letter when I lost my first one. No help.

The pastors are so busy silencing themselves that the leaders do not need to bother. Besides, the road to perdition advancement is paved with silence.

Here are some tips to remember from the playbook:
1. Some WELS pastors will appear sympathetic up to the point where it matters. At that point they do an about-face and viciously attack.
2. No one from the same class at The Sausage Factory is ever wrong.
3. WELS has so much to hide that any effort to tell the truth will terrify the people in charge, which is why they act so ferociously when cornered.
4. Lying is so natural to WELS pastors that they often tell five lies when only one will do. They like to keep in shape. The blatant deceptions are a way of telling people - "This is the party line, so shut up."
5. "We are working on it" means "We are pounding the people who brought this up."
6. Unloving and unbrotherly are perfect descriptions of the apostates in charge, but they will use those descriptions without remorse against anyone, any time.
7. Would those who violate the Sixth Commandment so effortlessly hesitate at the Eighth? The First Table does not exist for them, so why would the Second Table affect their behavior at all?

The Episcopalians - A Contrast
I am not going to join the Episcopalians, but I have followed their problems for decades.

Their bishops have broken with the national, gay leadership and taken their dioceses with them.

Their bishops have dared to defend their property in court, instead of playing it safe and retiring in ease and luxury.

No denomination is quite as easy-going about doctrine as the Episcopalians. They have always been Big Tent Protestants who can be Billy Graham Evangelicals or more Roman than the Holy Father Hisself. Many priests and bishops have been homosexuals. However, the elevation of an open homosexual, posing with his partner and his daughter - how touching - was the last straw for many Episcopalian bishops still in power. In ELCA, given similar circumstances, no active bishop has left or protested.

Useless DPs in WELS
The supine leadership of WELS illustrates that they have abandoned whatever power they have. Whatever has been done will be done, because to change course will suggest fallibility. WELS is infallible. Write that down.

A DP told me something was going to be done about Fox Valley, roughly two years ago. And CrossWalk in Phoenix was going to be fixed! Everything continues as before, not without cause. The Daddy Warbucks are behind false doctrine. The DPs like being fat and stupid.