Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Hyperbole

One of these guys is a Babtist.
The other one is from North Point in Atlanta.
Get it?

People often say, to indicate something that will never happen - "Yeah, when Hell freezes over."

Now they will say, "Yeah, when Parlow writes his own sermons."

Can anyone imagine a worse sentence imposed on Parlow for plagiarism? From now on:

1. You will write your own sermons, in longhand.
2. You will have to prove that you studied the text.
3. You will stick to Lutheran doctrine. If you have forgotten everything, we will try to find someone who can tutor you. Not from Mequon - we need a Lutheran to do it.
4. You will post these sermons on the Net where we can run them through a plagiarism checker.

As this sentence is imposed by a new COP (after the Babtist drones have been tranferred to Willow Creek), the perps will mutter under their breath, as they hear the terrible decree,

"Yeah, when Parlow writes his own sermons."