Thursday, August 12, 2010

Send This Clown the Cockroach Letter

One man took a flight to a distant city. During the flight he saw a live cockroach. He wrote an angry letter to the president of the airline.

He got this reply:

"Thank you for informing me about the terrible incident on your flight. I have issued orders to change the cleaning of all our aircraft. The cleaning crew in charge of yours has been fired. The pilot has been demoted. I trust this will never happen again because the entire corporate staff has been warned and put on probation for six months."

The passenger was gratified, until a slip fell out of the envelope. It read: "Send this clown the cockroach letter."

How many of you have received the cockroach letter from your synod? Are the wolves bugs still winning? At one point do shepherds become wolves, feeding the lambs to their fellow lupines?


Part Two - Because I Can't Think of a Clever Headline for a New Post

I published Blinded By the Vision just after midnight today. Within an hour there was an anonymous post defending the congregation.

If only the confessional Lutherans were as fast to react.

In Western stories, the cowboy watches his horse's ears to see if the animal detects any danger. In the church, the wolves detect danger to their cause right away and start growling. That scares most people, because shepherds are not supposed to growl, slaver, bite, and tear. I think the growling is a good sign, time to get out the Sword of the Spirit and do some work.


GJ - Ichabod pageviews are more like 60,000 a month now, so the annual total would be about 750,000.

Fox Valley readers are daily communicants.

One DP said, "You have access to information that I don't have." That's because I don't mail out cockroach letters.

The best connected Lutheran I know just wrote, "Once again, you know before I have even heard about it."

As long as comments contribute something to the discussion, I let them through. The antagonists fell off when they had to use OpenID. When they do, they leave no information on that link, and it is often broken.

When this was building I suddenly began receiving about 60 spam emails a day on my account, the one I use for this blog. I know that software could have done it, but I wonder if someone wanted to get even. If so, I have to mention my spam software. It moves all the junk into a folder and deletes it. I enjoy watching all that work wasted on me. If you want to keep adding that email to your favorite spammers, feel free. I am sure your parole officer or shrink would approve of any activity that keeps you from anonymouse phone calls and peering in windows.