Wrong Rev. Groeschel. My bad.
FVL Schools Community Parents Night
Sex Ed – Taking on Taboos
September 30th
7:00 p.m.
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
Trinity, Neenah, WisconsinTalking openly about sex to their middle school or high school-age children is something many parents dread. But, today -- more than ever -- that conversation needs to take place and Christian parents are looking for the right things to say and the right way to say it. Pastor Ski will help parents and students break the sound barrier and look at this topic through the lens of God's Word. This presentation is designed for parents and students from grades 6 and up to attend TOGETHER. Younger parents are welcome to attend, but please leave the younger children at home for this sensitive topic. Audience questions are encouraged - please bring your cell phone to text or call in your questions! (Paper provided for non-cell phone users!)
Invite your neighbors and friends with children the age of your children -- How great would it be to have EVERYONE talking about this important topic from a Biblical perspective. Tickets available from the FVL School Office or the office of any FVL School.

Hey kids - learn how to spell check.
Don't plagiarize the way your guest speaker does - with the DP's approval.
And don't disgrace yourself by posing with low-life celebrity ....
http://www.theavenue91.com/en-us/partners/events/details.aspx?id=152Fox Valley Lutheran Community Parent Night
Pastor Jim "Ski" Skorzewski, pastor of The Core in downtown Appleton presents "SEX ED - Taking on Taboos".
Talking openly about sex to their middle school or high school-age children is a topic many parents dread. But, today -- more than ever -- that conversation needs to take place. "SEX ED - Taking on Taboos" will help parents and teens tackle these taboo topics through the lens of God's Word.
September 30th, 2010 at 7:00 PMENDS AT:
September 30th, 2010 at 8:30 PM LOCATION:
Appleton, WI For more information please contact...http://www.fvlschools.org/