Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bi-Sectsual Nominated For Ichaslang Lexicon:
Synonym for Babtist/Lutheran Blended Worship

Healing the blind, by Norma Boeckler.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "So Little To Ask - Yet They Still Say No":

Outstanding post.

I vote to add "bi-sectsual" to the Ichaslang dictionary. It's at once precise and appropriate.

Few there seem to be that will see the debauchery in the Lutheran churches and flee from it, clinging to the Word purely taught and Sacraments rightly distributed, for their spiritual health and that of those they are responsible for.

It is a sign of the times. May Christ come quickly!

In Christ,
Brett Meyer

I for one am thankful that Pastor Jackson is unafraid to be clear, precise and carefully wields the Sword of the Word, rightly dividing Law and Gospel. The Law for those who blaspheme the Word and the Gospel for those who turn to Christ in contrition and faith. Christ's continued blessings to you as you carry your cross. May more experience the joy in Christ of doing so.


GJ - Brett, that was an Icha-peek.