for its comfortable couches and gourmet coffee.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Church and Changers - Small Potatoes":
"It is with the utmost humility as a recovering pew potato that I make
the attempt to serve Jesus daily."
This is a veiled, reverse type of condescension. Think of BUSY as an acronym (not my original idea):
Notice the innuendo about Christians who merely just go to church. The Law says Do. The Gospel says Done. Also, buried in this lame comment is a wrong understanding of the doctrine of vocation. I wish that I would have counted how many times that I witnessed members neglecting their families because they were allegedly doing the Lord's Work. I speak from my own experience also. Besides fulfilling one's vocation, wherever you may be put, there is stewardship of your blessings. Most important of all is the chance to let the Lord serve you with diligent study of His Word.
We will always be given opportunities to serve our neighbor through acts of charity. If you think that endless attendance of workshops, meetings, conferences, seminars, etc is serving the Lord, you have been misled. What better way to keep a Christian from the Means of Grace than by wearing them out.
GJ - The unceasing gift of Pietism is to emphasize works as the foundation for justification, as Hoenecke observed. Church and Change has spawned a completely false view of the ministry, which allows Lampe to promote himself as a minister to all denominations and to hapless Lutherans, too. Needless to say, he supports Ski.
Bragging about one's humility is not the mark of a humble man. Instead, the practice reminds us of the Dickens character, Uriah Heep. "I am an 'umble man."
If pew potatoes are so bad that they need converting to hyper-activity, why are the WELS savants creating coach potato churches, popcorn and soda congregations? There is no
Victory of the Movie Screen, Latte, and the portable Popcorn Cathedral of Rock will have to start some diet programs to meet the felt needs of their members.
They promised Church Growth but delivered Girth Growth - that will be their epitaph.