Friday, October 8, 2010

Yes, WELS Will Try To Silence the Intrepid Lutherans Website

The lifespan of an independent WELS website is rather short. Issues in WELS stopped and removed all the files.

Bailing Water went through three editors, I think, and got cut off from information.

Even poor Fake-O-Bod has stopped publishing several times, erasing his nasty files and disgusting photoshops. Now that everyone knows he is Tim Glende, the thrill of posting scatological pictures and exposing his doctrinal ignorance is gone. Maybe Uncle Brug said to him, "I cannot believe we let you graduate from Mequon."

I knew it was a WELS reader, writing, when I got this comment - "Do you have proof they are trying to shut down the Intrepds" A typical WELS response is:
1. Question whether there is proof.
2. Change the subject when proof is offered.

The Wisconsin sect thinks unity is achieved by lying and suppression of the truth. Why tell the truth about false teachers, murderers, and church leaders lodged in the Big House? The members like being ignorant, so leave them alone.

Or, look at it this way. Ex-SP Gurgle was claiming that Church and Change was closed down while Church and Change was registering people for their next conference from the website.

Church and Change leaders have been setting the agenda since 1977. They run the colleges, seminary, and FICKLE. They have elected DPs like Englebrecht and re-elected them.

The Gang of Four (State of Wisconsin DPs plus the one representing the People's Republic of Minnesota) can be counted upon to block anything hinting of Lutheran doctrine.

Can anyone imagine the roaring that went on when the Intrepids opened up the topic of UOJ?

The Doctrinal Pussycats are spineless when dealing with false doctrine, but they suit and grab their weapons when that false doctrine is threatened.

UOJ turns people into Antinomians - good is bad, bad is good, deception rules.