Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pietism and Worship

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Pietism, More Than A Renewal Movement?":

Thanks for posting this. I had a rehearsal with the organist for this coming Sunday worship...Christ the King Sunday. We had a discussion about where Lutheranism seems to be going. She couldn't put her finger on anything, but is aware of a shift in worship practice. She is a member of the worship committee but has stopped going. She is sick of all the 'feelings' music and questionable lyrics. This article is a good primer. I'm going to send her the link.



GJ - I am trying to provide a wealth of material, to explain why things are happening this way. I often communicate with people each day about this, by Facebook, email, phone, and blog comments.

Pietism is anti-Confessional. That is why the feelings bunch will express contempt for the Book of Concord, even though it is the best one-volume Biblical commentary we have.

Pietists howl about the souls they want to save, but they argue that unbelievers need false doctrine (plagiarized) to reach their flinty hearts. They are not that obvious, of course. They kelm Ski's favorite motto from Groeschel - anything short of sin to reach them. But false doctrine is the gravest sin of all, far worse than sins against the Second Table.