Thursday, November 18, 2010

Leaving ELCA

Monday, November 15, 2010


This 11/15/10 update includes the following additions and changes since our last report 11/04/10.

* indicates first vote; ** indicates second vote

1. St. Peter Lutheran Church, Mesa, AZ * 84% in favor. 121-21
2. Hayti Lutheran Church, Hayti, SD * passed first vote 92% - 77-7: Voted to join NALC
3. New Hope Lutheran Church, Hayti, SD* passed first vote 92% 59-5; Voted to join NALC
4. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Williams, IA** passed second vote 40-9
5. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Everett, WA* first vote 75%
6. Salem Lutheran Church, Bark River, MI * passed first vote
7. Faith in Christ Lutheran Church, Springfield, OH * passed first vote 50-5
8. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Kodiak, AK ** passed second vote 84%
9. Trinity Lutheran Church, Troutman, NC * passed first vote 94.6% 174-10
10. Zoar Lutheran Church, Lebanon, PA * passed first vote
11. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clyde, OH * passed first vote
12. Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland, OH * passed first vote
13. St. Stephen Lutheran Church (Scott Twp) Pittsburgh, PA * passed first and final vote 84% (according to their constitution)
14. Anselm Trinity Lutheran Church, Enderline, ND ** passed second vote
15. First Lutheran Church, Washington, PA* passed first vote 122-17
16. Puritas Lutheran Church, Cleveland, OH ** passed second vote
17. Zion Lutheran Church, Philo, IL * passed first vote
18. La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church ** passed second vote
19. Union Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC ** passed second vote; voted to join NALC
20. St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Stewart, MN * passed first vote 41-16 78%
21. St. John Lutheran Church, Ashboro, NC * passed first vote. Nov. 7
22. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Claremont, NC * passed first vote Nov. 7
23. St. James Lutheran Church, Newton, NC.** passed second successful vote Nov 14
24. Zion Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, IA** passed its "final" vote to leave ELCA Nov. 14
25. Zion Lutheran Church of Clarion, La Moille, IL * pass first vote Oct. 31, 66-21, 76%
26. St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Auburn, IL ** passed second vote Nov. 14, 134-8
27. St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Readlyn, IA * passed first vote Nov. 14, 79-2
28. Zion Lutheran Church, Readlyn, IA * passed first vote Nov. 14, 88-5
29. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Monona, IA, 2nd voted failed 112-85. Reports indicate that about 50+ members have left to begin a new church in the area.

The congregations listed below represent a net loss of baptized members for the ELCA of at least 221,467 since August 2009. Add to this number the membership of approximately 40 churches missing from our list, the tens of thousands who left to start new congregations, and the multiplied thousands who have left the ELCA on their own, and the numbers are staggering.