Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fake Ichabod Probably Tim Glende

WELS Pastor Tim Glende posed, like a deer caught in the headlights, with Katy Perry,
his Facebook photo for many weeks.

Various readers noticed, a long time ago, that anything posted here about Fox Valley brought an immediate, hateful response from the same person.

The blogger is from Appleton and uses a Mac computer. That showed up when I deliberately provoked an Appleton response and watched Feedjit. Sure enough, Appleton lit up while Anonymouse posted a comment. Feedjit showed Anonymouse used a Mac computer.

Fox Valley Lutherans know that CORE uses Macs. In fact, everyone who has a Mac lets people know about it.

I eliminated Ski from consideration because he is too lazy to create a blog. He does not even blog on his own website (or run it). He still brags about worshiping with the Babtists on his blog about the Andy Stanley Drive conference.

Katie? She is too Buddhist in her ruminations, and she has left the scene.

Other Fox Valley pastors? I floated the name of Lillo to see the reaction. He denied it and Anonymouse piously apologized to Lillo for drawing fire on the wrong person.

As someone suggested, a group could be involved with one of them taking the lead.

Here are some indications of Tim Glende taking the lead on this:

1. He did not grow up WELS at all. He was a member of St. Paul's in German Village, Columbus, Ohio, an independent Lutheran church which practiced open communion, women's suffrage, communing Masonic Lodge members, Boy Scouts, and Church Growth. St. Paul's was WELS when it suited them and ready to bolt when anyone suggested they walk the walk. St. Paul's finally joined WELS, but that was recently.
2. St. Paul's made the tragic mistake of letting Floyd Luther Stolzenburg join, after he was kicked out of the LCMS ministery for adultery and divorced by his first wife. Floyd was sued by the husband of his girlfriend, etc.
3. Because of money connections, the WELS district leaders floated the lie that Stolzenburg had a "Scriptural divorce" and left the ministry voluntarily! Floyd never was WELS and swore he would never join WELS, but he was put forward as a Church Growth consultant and pseudo-pastor. Roger Zehms, another divorced pastor, another Shrinker, joined the team. Zehms was actually WELS and now resides at St. Marcus, Milwaukee. The two of them worked out of a real estate office, meddled in everything, and made themselves most unwelcome.
4. Stolzenburg and the Columbus WELS pastors promoted the lies until I found out the truth from numerous sources. At that point Stolzenburg was portrayed by the local WELS pastors as a victim, a martyr to the cause. His little CG sandbox blew up, but WELS got behind him for a job at Emanuel in Columbus, sister church to St. Paul's. District VP Kuske denied being involved, but he wrote a letter of reference for Floyd (non-WELS, false teacher) while working constantly to get rid of me. DP Mueller sponsored Stolzenburg to be a WELS pastor via colloquy! Others stopped that, according to DP Nitz.
5. Tim Glende has proved to be a true disciple of Church Growth, Columbus style.
6. Glende and Ski, like Stolzenburg, simply copy whatever CG program appeals to them. Both of them plagiarize Craig Groeschel in the name of outreach.
7. Notice how un-original the fake Ichabod is, and how dishonest. The fake has to use this blog's name to lure people. The fake adopted my nickname for him, Anonymouse, and added Shrinker, terms I have heavily promoted for the damage these numbskulls do.
8. The fake is notoriously sensitive about Ski being criticized and has complained about photos of Glende and Ski, criticism of the "confessional Lutheran" Valleskey, etc.
9. Glende uses his mediocre education as a club to beat laity who question him - typical WELS bullying tactic. Let's face it - Glende and scholarship are not synonymous terms.
10. The fake blogger fulminates about my graduate study at Yale University, but his Uncle John Brug also studied at Yale for a session. That is typical WELS - OK for me but not for thee.
11. The fake blogger goes nuts about Valleskey, but his hero studied at Fuller Seminary and lied about it. I forgot, WELS pastors can lie for a good cause. GA training.
12. Glende lies constantly about his schemes. He, Ski, and Katie went out to study under Marc Driscoll (the cussing pastor with the Mickey Mouse shirt), but Glende made it look like a WELS pastors' conference. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
13. Glende says he is using Groeschel to "save his congregation." But St. Peter Freedom had all those years under the chairman of Church and Change! They should have 8,000 members by now. That is what Stolzenburg and Schumann were going to do for St. Paul, German Village.
14. The first pastor to suffer under Glende left in a few months because of "deception." The parish never faced the issue, and now another assistant has entered the Slough of Groeschel.
15. The fake blogger, who best mirrors the pathetic doctrinal knowledge of Glende, goes batty over my study of Lutheran authors - while left unsaid is his devotion to anti-Lutheran New Age leaders.
16. The vindictiveness of the fake blogger is deeply personal and repeats the ocean of lies promoted by the three divorced Columbus pastors and their boss, Kuske. The fake blogger attacked me, using my two daughters. When he was called on it, those posts disappeared, just as his other stuff disappears from time to time.
17. UOJ and Church Shrinkage go together. The fake blogger has promoted both - UOJ rabidly and Church Shrinkage by being anti-anti-CG. They do not have a case for CG, so they are simply anti-anti-CG.
18. See a parallel here? Stolzenburg started a mission church, with the blessing of Mueller and Kuske, which omitted the name Lutheran: Pilgrim Community Church. I am not kidding! Glende and Ash started a mission which omitted Lutheran and Church - The CORE. What irony!

Pilgrim struck Plymouth Rock and sank, with watery groan, "unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown."

WELS is teetering on the brink of total doctrinal and financial meltdown. I am glad that Fox Valley has provided a look into the cesspool called Church Growth - or lately Emerging Church.

Columbus, Ohio was once called the "cesspool of WELS." What do they have in common? Church Growth, UOJ, and that Anything Goes attitude, plus a spineless Doctrinal Pussycat to bless every blasphemy. Yes, Englebrecht is buddy-buddy with Ski and Glende, just as DP Mueller and VP Kuske were pals with Stolzenburg.

I concede that others may be involved with Glende or even posting on his behalf. The district voted to re-elect Englebrecht, so it is obvious how far gone the whole region is.

Anonymouse Shrink disappeared. We miss those toilet pictures. He was so creative and witty. I expect the fake blogger to disappear for a time and re-appear later. Maybe he will rage and disappear. The more he posts, the better we know the maggot, whoever he might be.

WELS members have had an intimate look at one of their own, right from the heart of Church Growth Central, Fox Valley. He represents his circuit and his district - the crumbling remains of WELS.

Bishop Katie published this photo, which I enhanced a bit.
The fake blogger was most unhappy about this appearing.


TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Fake Ichabod Probably Tim Glende":

Your only points that even attempt to draw a possible connection between Glende and this fake blog are 8, 15, and 16. Even those arguments are incredibly facile and inconclusive.
1-7, 9, 12-14, and 18 are simply statements about Glende and his background.
10 and 11 work under the assumption that Glende is the fake blogger. It doesn't support that assertion.
17 is just a rant that could be found in any post on this site.

So, forgive me for not being convinced, but you've given us fifteen points of irrelevant information.


GJ - Shinnick is from Appleton, graduated from Mary Lou College, and will attend The Sausage Factory.

His refutation is oh so compelling.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pastor Kathie Wendland - WELS Church and Change Leader

Leading with a Christ-like attitude from WELS Streams on Vimeo.


Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Kathie Wendland - WELS Church and Change Le...":

I thought that this lady sounded pretty good. She doesn't claim to be a pastor. I think that the conservatives have sadly neglected the contributions of women in the church. There has been some serious, misguided Biblical misinterpretation of Scripture at work. Go WELS ladies.

Norman Teigen
Lutheran Layman


Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Kathie Wendland - WELS Church and Change Le...":

While I think that it is good that the church allows an articulate woman to publicly speak, I do not agree with her interpretation of American history. Tying together Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan with the speaker's concept of Biblical interpretation is a dubious link. I would hope that, with this objection noted, that the men in the WELS would listen to what this good woman has to say.

Norman Teigen
Lutheran Layman


GJ - Norman I agree that everyone should listen to the tape.

Kagan is the most crooked, dishonest, genocidal nominee to the Supreme Court. She is famous for parading around the Harvard campus with her lesbian lover. There are twelve major reasons why Kagan should not even be considered.

I have probably mentioned this many times before, but I will repeat it again. The feminists advance the gay agenda and everything that goes with it.


WELS president in India

President Schroeder has no message this edition as he continues his travels to WELS world mission fields in India and Hong Kong. Look for a summary of his trip in the next edition of "Together" Aug. 3.

Top Stories

Rev. James Pope, professor at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., has returned home after serving as an observer to the...

Forward in Christ (FIC), the official magazine of WELS, is finishing its three-part series on homosexuality with an...

Two hundred thirty women gathered July 16-18 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., for the second National WELS Women...

Members of the Organization of WELS Lutheran Seniors (OWLS) have given $50,000 this year to support the WELS Civilian...

Nominating a Jewish, lesbian, abortion-loving,
anti-military socialist is good news for WELS feminists.

Kagan lies for and loves Partial Birth Abortion, another name for killing a baby while the tiny one is being born.

Kagan covered up for and absolved Harvard Law plagiarists.

Gawker deals with the lesbian stories. Harvard students and the press know she is a lesbian and they know her partner. More here.

Her negative attitude toward the military is a matter of record.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Kathie Wendland - WELS Church and Change Le...":

Kathie Wendland is the glory of the Rome faction in the (W)ELS. She wrote the same tripe back in 2004 which apparently left some screaming for more women who reject the commands of Christ.

The connection between women taking leadership roles where Christ commanded they must not is directly tied to men and women murdering their unborn babies without flinching, without remorse.


Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Kathie Wendland - WELS Church and Change Le...":

Give ear you Wisconsin men and listen to the words of wisdom from that dear woman, Kathie Wendland. Submit yourselves to her instruction for you may learn something. Respect her erudition. Disregard her right-wing political slant but listen to her exposition of Biblical truth and wisdom. Wisdom is to be followed wherever it may be expressed. Transcend your gender biases and give her careful heed.

Norman Teigen

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Quotations from a Reader

In view of how some so quickly cite the 8th Commandment as an intimidating scold, perhaps this quotation from C.F.M. Zorn's devotional Crumbs: Short Devotions for Every Day of the Year (CPH: 1914, reprint) might give pause for thought: "The most obvious tale-bearers are those who spread vile lies about their neighbor. But those, too, are tale-bearers who withhold from the neighbor the truth which would benefit him."

Luther's Epistle Sermons for the Ninth Sunday After Trinity. The text is 1 Corinthians 10:6-13. Here's a quote some might inwardly digest: "Where the Word of God is lacking or disregarded, human wisdom makes for itself a worship. It will find its pleasure in the thing of its own construction and regard it as something to be prized, though it may be imperatively forbidden in God's Word, perhaps even an abomination before him. Human reason thinks it may handle divine matters according to its own judgment: that God must be pleased with what suits its pleasure. Accordingly, to sanction idolatry, it appropriates the name of the Word of God. The Word must be forced into harmony with the false worship to give the latter an admirable appearance, notwithstanding the worship is essentially the reverse of what it is made to appear." (Sermons of Martin Luther, vol.8. pp.186-187, Lenker, ed.)


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Quotations from a Reader":

Not telling the truth to avoid scandal led to a century of molestation at a German school south of Frankfurt (the title says decades, but the account says 100 years):

The Roots of Abuse
Decades of Molestation Haunt Odenwaldschule
By Matthias Bartsch and Markus Verbeet, 22 July 2010,1518,707658,00.html

For many, the Odenwaldschule was an educational Eden. For others it was more like a living hell. Historical documents suggest that teachers began sexually assaulting pupils at the school, once attended by writer Klaus Mann and other luminaries, shortly after it was founded 100 years ago....

excerpt: As undeniable as the evidence seemed, the parents shied away from open confrontation. Although some enclosed the love letters their daughters had received from teachers while on vacation, the parents showed remarkable restraint. One mother even went so far as to assure the school that she had no intention of "causing a scandal" that might cast the Odenwaldschule in an "unfavorable light".


GJ - Don't read the linked story - it sounds too much like Missouri, WELS, and the ELS.

Abusive pastors need not worry. They can do whatever they want and have the synod officials cover up for them:

1. Never happened.
2. I don't remember.
3. Who told you?
4. Eighth Commandment.
5. Matthew 18.
6. Before my time.
7. You are being divisive.

Have a fling - get moved upstairs. Have numerous flings with married women and teenaged girls - change synods and become a Church Growth guru.

Let your assistant have an affair with a minor girl. The insurance will cover the cost, but the synod will lie in court to prevent even the tiniest bit of justice. Be do not worry - felonies are rarely pursued against church officials who cover up.

misprision of a felony
Taking affirmative steps to hide the fact of another's felony. Merely remaining silent when one knows of a felony is not a misprision, but hiding evidence or intentionally misleading law enforcement could be.
Lie about the assistant. Have an affair of your own. Have fun. Life is short. There will be another call for poor old ____. We all know he is too incompetent to hold down a real job.

This is all crashing down on the Roman Catholics and the Lutherans. DP Robert Mueller was miffed that he had to go to all the extra trouble, for the insurance companies, to show that he newest guys were not sex offenders. He must have thought, "How am I going to keep my pals on the praesidium?"

Mueller explained that he never told a congregation they were getting a known adulterer, because "they won't call him if they know."

Norman Teigen Asks

Norman likes smaller cats.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminists - Church and Change":

GJ: What do you mean about women acting like women and men acting like women? I am confused and request that you provide some enlightenment. Are there certain things, other than the obvious, e.g. child-bearing, that can be specifically male or female? How does this line of thinking apply to the general place of women in the church? Can women teach men, for example, when women are better educated on a certain topic than are some men?

Norman Teigen
Lutheran Layman


GJ - The male church leaders act like fainting women. They cannot even acknowledge the anti-Biblical errors being promoted right under their noses. The male laity and pastors do not have the courage or sense to vote the apostates out. They are all a bunch of girly-girls because they are afraid of the big bucks behind apostasy. Leaders and followers - all girly-girls.

WELS Church Lady has posted a lot of intelligent and funny comments about the situation. She is far more courageous than the ordained pastors. She understands justification by faith while the rest say, "Duh. Now that is OJ and that is SJ."

I was not advocating women taking over. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect are doing that. I did not promote the feminist conference led by Church and Changers. SP Schroeder did that - twice.

I need some free publicity too, so I can beg for some grants. How about a link on the ELS page? Let's face it - no one will notice it anyway.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WELS Feminists - Church and Change

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Together - Hydra":

Endorsement or polite lip-serve announcement? SP Schroeder does NOT approve of Church and Change. He has made that VERY clear in his correspondences to various C&C leaders and followers.(Correct me if I am wrong!) If The SP did indeed provide any of his own commentary in regards to the Women's Conference, such as encouraging ladies to join, that would move my concerns to a higher scale. He had to thank all of the districts for there conventions. In other words, the Women's Conference may have been a line-item in the Thank You List.(Perhaps)

The Women's Ministry does have male oversight. Richard Gurgel and David Kehl! Yes, if one considers Church and Change listers positive leaders for these ladies. I was looking over the C&C website and found a link to the Leadership Network. I must have missed this in the past. Click on 'leadership' and the link is listed. I couldn't believe it! On Intrepid Lutherans I discussed the basics of Leadership Network under the post titled, "Sectarian Worship Part 3."(to much to type here) I thought all along that C&C was borrowing from Lead Net. Two and two equals four.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - Dear Church Lady. You should be SP or at least a DP. If the men are going to act like women, then the women will have to act like men. (That motto was taken from a church reform movement.)

The WELS Hydra, which no one will admit exists, has been built carefully over the years. The parallels with the Nazarene sect show that the same influences have carefully trained the WELS suckers to buy the program, spend the money, and act the fool.

I believe it is hopeless in WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect. There is leadership - all bad.


wildcard ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminists - Church and Change":

I believe it is hopeless in WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect. There is leadership - all bad.

The leaders are the real problem. Even with an epiphany they will never admit to themselves how bad they really are.


GJ - I remember telling DP Robert Mueller what church members said about Florida WELS - "The only way we could tell it was Lutheran was by the sign on the outside." That made him angry - at me. They took care of that - removing Lutheran from the sign. The CORE removed Lutheran and Church - a brief moment of honesty.

One Eponymous Archon ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminists - Church and Change":

Apostasy, like fish-stink, starts at the head. I think the WELS prez is basically a good man and a confessional Lutheran. But most of the other leaders are rank heretics of the worst order. For what they have done to their own church body may they rot away from the inside and dogs lick their blood!


GJ - I am waiting to see if Intrepids get promoted from the SP email, or Ichabod!

Kelm gets promoted to another lux job and goes on a speaking tour.

Someone Has His Pull-Ups in a Knot

Andrew has left a new comment on your post "WELS and Other Lutherans:The Differences Explained...":

Dear Greg,

I do not doubt your intellect one bit, but could you please get a real domain like a man? Who uses blogs other than preteen girls talking about boys they like. Grow up and pay for a domain.


GJ - Dude, get real. Seriously. I have a domain and eleven or more blogs.

Grow up and stop sending anonymous messages where the ID is erased or broken. You are totally hiding something.

I have never read a preteen girl blog, but apparently you have read many. Most of my news reading is from blogs and similar sites. Try something written by adults for adults.

Everyone is laughing at you - for sure.

Stan Olson Received Siefkes Award - Resist the Beginnings, Part 88

Stan Olson is the point-man for the ELCA gay adventure.
He also endorsed Reformed-ELCA communion services.

I recall working with Patsy Leppien on the research for What's Going On Among the Lutherans? I wanted the title to be What's Going Wrong Among the Lutherans, which was more precise and yielded a pronounceable acronym: Wag-Watl.

She did plenty of patient research, turning up odd bits of information, such as the origins of the ALC's support for Lutherans Concerned.

Jim Siefkes was an ALC leader in radicalism, although the ALC had the reputation for being conservative. He was apparently the son or relative of an ALC leader in the past, so he was protected from criticism.

Siefkes got Lutherans Concerned going, so they give a prize in his honor.

One might call it the Righteous Straight award, suggesting that there may be a few good heterosexuals out there.

Stan Olson, former Luther Seminary professor and ALC district president, earned one of the Siefkes awards.

The ALC pastors always bought Lenski, much more often than the liberal LCA pastors. Most of us never heard of Lenski. WELS and Missouri pastors are the most likely buyers of Lenski.

Olson earned a PhD at Yale in New Testament, under some very conservative scholars - Nils Dahl and Abraham Malherbe. I wonder what Lenski, Dahl, and Malherbe would say about their guy.

This could be Jim Siefkes' father.

LCMS Just Voted Overwhelmingly To Work with ELCA

Missouri surrendered to ELCA's armored division.

July 20, 2010

ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod to Receive Seven Pastors
By 'Rite of Reception'

ELCA News:

The Rev. Dawn Roginski, the Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet, the Rev. Ross Merkel, the Rev. Steve Sabin, the Rev. Paul Brenner and the Rev. Jeff Johnson. Not pictured: the Rev. Craig Minich and the Rev. Megan Rohrer." align="right" border="0" hspace="10" />

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is celebrating a "Rite of Reception" service for seven pastors on July 25 at St. Marks Lutheran Church, San Francisco.

"The service is being offered in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for the future of this church," said the Rev. Mark W. Holmerud, bishop of the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod, Oakland, Calif., which serves Northern California and Northern Nevada.

In April the ELCA Church Council authorized a rite proposed by the ELCA Conference of Bishops designed to receive pastors from Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) onto the ELCA's roster of ordained ministers. To be used by the ELCA's 65 synod bishops in the next two years, the rite serves as a means of reception that embraces the ELCA's desire for reconciliation with ELM pastors serving ELCA congregations who wish to be recognized fully as ordained ministers in the denomination.

A key piece of the approved rite was that it "must be recognizable by fellow members of the Lutheran World Federation and among the ELCA's full-communion partners as containing signs consistent with ordination into the whole Church, in accordance with Lutheran Confessions, history and practice," according to information provided to council members.

ELM is an organization that credentials qualified candidates of all sexual orientations and gender identities for ordained ministry.

"These seven pastors (and one other pastor who will be brought onto the roster at a later date) have been offering exemplary ministry in congregations, nursing homes, to the people of the streets, and to youth in the East Bay," said Holmerud, despite the fact that the pastors were barred from official church rosters because they were not in compliance with ELCA ministry policies.

Ministry policies were changed by the council in April in response to the actions of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, which directed that changes be made to make it possible for qualified candidates living in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as ELCA clergy and other professional church workers.

"Their reception onto the roster of this church is a way of acknowledging and celebrating the significance of their lives and ministries, and, we pray, will be a sign of Christ's blessings and presence through the ministry of the Sierra Pacific Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as we serve together in the future," Holmerud said.

Those to be received by the synod on July 25 are the Rev. Paul R. Brenner, the Rev. Jeff R. Johnson, the Rev. Craig M. Minich, the Rev. Dawn M. Roginski, the Rev. Megan M. Rohrer and the Rev. Sharon S. Stalkfleet.

In addition, Holmerud said the Rev. Ross D. Merkel's restoration to the roster will be celebrated during the worship service. The Rev. Steven P. Sabin, also restored to the roster, will celebrate the 25th anniversary of his ordination in late August with his congregation.


Information about the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod is at on the Web.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Together - Hydra

Two hundred thirty women gathered July 16-18 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., for the second National WELS Women's Leadership Conference. The conference included worship, general sessions, and breakout sessions focused on the theme "Leading with a Christ-like attitude."

"I really appreciated the continued reminder that it all starts with the Word," says Mary Meissner, a member at St. John, Wauwatosa, Wis.

One of those reminders came from Rev. Richard Gurgel, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, who presented a general session on Saturday that focused on the importance of personal Bible study. He emphasized to attendees that those who lead and encourage need to seek God's face in personal study of his Word.

Kathie Wendland, a member at St. Peter, Mishicot, Wis., presented the keynote address, which was based on Philippians. Wendland explained that a Christ-like attitude begins by understanding the theology of the cross. She then discussed how to live and lead with a Christ-like attitude.

Besides emphasizing the importance of being in God's Word, the conference also equipped women to organize women's ministries within their congregations and to confidently share the message of salvation with those around them.

To learn more about the conference and its sponsoring organization, the WELS Women's Ministry Committee, visit

Church and Change promoted in the President's Newsletter - nothing new about that in WELS.


rhs ( has left a new comment on your post "Together - Hydra":

He emphasized to attendees that those who lead and encourage need to seek God's face in personal study of his Word.

“seek God’s face”? What kind of new age mysticism is this? Perhaps it is just a manner of speech. Or it may be appealing to an intuitive grasp of the Almighty. In either case it opens the door to more nonsense.


GJ - It was a Church and Change conference with C and C leaders, so everyone should expect a Schwaermer leader. It's a Gurgle.

I understand Rich's booklet was so badly done that it needed several major revisions before NPH published it. No wonder the feminists wanted him to speak.

PS - The Hydra explains WELS, although a few heads are missing. It comes down to the money people in the Jeske circle. They include many districts so all the DPs are afraid of losing money, and that fear is alive at the national level too.

For example, Gunn is propped up with special gifts. Ski and Glende, ditto. Columbus Ohio has been a mess because of one rich man bewitched by Church Growth.

One of the Jeske boys gave a half million to WLC, so you think Englebrecht will meet with commoners? Ha.

The irony is this - If WELS trusted the Word of God, they would actually discipline according to doctrine rather than dollars, and the money would still be there. As Luther said, what they want most they will never have. No sect is more money-grubbing and no synod is so poor.


One Eponymous Archon ( has left a new comment on your post "Together - Hydra":

". . . the conference also equipped women to organize women's ministries
within their congregations . . ."

Hmmmm? I wonder if these women are going to check with the men (Pastor,
Elders, Council) before they "organize" anything?

Also, since they themselves are organizing whatever group or class this
happens to be, will they allow the Pastor to have spiritual guidance and
oversight OVER them?

Finally, when the keynote address was delivered I wonder what the Pastors
who were present - if there were any, and I assume there were - "learned" at
the feet of this woman prophet, and how this fits with First Timothy 2:12?

Oh, wait, I forgot, certain passages of the Bible don't apply when the
female performance at the teaching podium in front of men - sometimes whole
rooms full of Pastors even - is sponsored by the synod, like, for example,
at the Worship Conference, and at Youth Rallies, and such. I'm sure I will
be enlightened sooner rather than later.

Oh well, so much for the ol' "Headship Principle" and "Order of Creation" in
the WELS of today, eh? I'm glad Carl Lawrence and W.R. Gawrisch aren't alive
anymore to witness this sorry spectacle. But then again, even in their day a
number of women walked out on their presentations concerning Headship and
Order, and nothing was ever done about them. So this is really not all that

When a church body sows the wind, in this case caving in to the whims and
whining of wives, sisters, sweethearts, daughters, mothers, etc., the
whirlwind of "women's leadership," and then women voters, and eventually
women Pastors, will be the harvest; sure as the Lord's return!

But hey, the WELS is as pure as mother's milk, right? Maybe we ought to
change that to father's milk. More accurate in this case.

One Eponymous Archon


GJ - It was endorsed by SP Schroeder so that makes it fine.

Al Barry did the same thing years ago, at worship service not deemed a worship service, when a husband and wife together did the Schwaermer sermon which was billed as a Bible study. Al was there, and the rate of decline increased.

Lyle Schaller, the only Schaller WELS listens to, said that men abandon positions once a woman has been placed in it. Gone are the male Sunday School teachers, male SS Superintendents, etc.

"Resist the beginnings," Lenski said, but he was wrong right on justification, so he does not count.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nazarenes Get It - WELS, Missouri, and ELS Remain Dumbstruck

Star heretics of WELS.
Featured speakers at all events and schools.
Who is denounced? Poor Ichabod.

From: Discernment Ministries>

Date: July 17, 2010 3:17:24 PM EDT

To: someone

Subject: FW: District Superintendent Speaks Out

John. . you need to read this carefully! This is what the AOG needs to do!! And every other denomination!

2 Thessalonians 2:3a (New King James Version)

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first

Also Eph 5:11-14

Tim Wirth DISCLAIMER & COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This is a PRIVATE email, (c) Tim Wirth, 2010. It may not be reproduced in ANY format in ANY way without the express written permission of Tim Wirth. By opening and reading this email you agree to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer & Copyright Information. Unauthorized use of the contents of this private email is illegal. Quoting from public ARTICLES is legal under copyright laws, but reproduction of PRIVATE emails is not! Reproduction of other public written materials is subject to the copyright and publication restrictions of the original author

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 07:23:26 -0400
Subject: District Superintendent Speaks Out

[Stand For Truth is dedicated to warn the body of Christ of the apostasy creeping into the evangelical church today. If you wish to unsubscribe to this list, type UNSUBSCRIBE in your email response . Many of these posts will reference Nazarene issues, but let me warn you, these things are happening in all denominations, and we must be vigilant]

I received a copy of the following letter which was sent to Nazarene District Superintendents. It was written by Dr. Orville Jenkins, Jr., Superintendent of the North Florida District, Church of the Nazarene. Dr. Jenkins is not affiliated with Concerned Nazarenes or Stand For Truth Ministries, and I have never met him or spoken with him. But I an thankful for his courage in speaking out on some really serious issues we are facing. In my last post, I referenced Ezekiel 33:1-9, and I believe that what he is doing is an example of being a true watchman for the Lord.

July 10, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a follow-up to the letter written three months ago, sent originally to 30 of my district superintendent colleagues and friends, in which I shared some personal concerns due to recent trends and events in the Church of the Nazarene, and specifically, the continued and expanding influence of the liberal Emergent Church (or Emerging) movement upon our church and its schools. This influence has been primarily in the U.S., and specific examples were cited.

The letter was also prompted by the increasing discussion and concerns echoed by some of the pastors I oversee, as well as others. They have asked, "Is this what we're all about now?" "Is this where we're heading? If it is, I'm not sure I still belong as a Nazarene." And, "Where is our leadership in all of this?"

In writing to fellow district superintendents, it was my intent to gauge their response in determining if sufficient similar sentiment might warrant a collective approach to the board of general superintendents about what is taking place in our church. And though I knew my thoughts were shared by others, I was not prepared for the response which the letter seemingly provoked, resulting in its circulation beyond those to whom it was intended.

I certainly do not claim an exclusive reading on the pulse of the church, or that my perspective is the most accurate measurement. I am but one voice. But what I shared from my heart seems to have resonated within the hearts of numerous Nazarenes, including laypersons, pastors, evangelists, district superintendents, and several serving in key positions at our Global Ministry Center. From their responses, the following seems evident:

One, questions abound as to why our leadership has been so deftly silent for so long on matters so crucial to our church's existence and its future. And, yes, leadership starts at the top, but the responsibility is at every level, including district leadership and that of our institutions of higher education.

Two, there is an acute awareness of the tolerance we've allowed to invade us, and that we've seemingly been willing to accept, perhaps not intentionally, but by our mere silence. Our failure to speak out, take a stand, and condemn what we once would not allow conveys the message that we are now tolerant of such things.

And three, there is also a pronounced desire to "take back our church" from those who no longer want to conform to the truth of Scripture and our holiness traditions, and would rather wrest control and take the church in a different direction altogether. It has produced a deep, growing angst among Nazarenes.

The influence of the Emergent Church movement has reached a point where we are not only being adversely affected within, but now those from the outside are questioning why the Church of the Nazarene has allowed itself to be infiltrated by such an extreme, liberal, and unorthodox mindset. While in California last month for a family wedding, I visited with three pastor friends who are not Nazarenes but know us well and share similar theological and doctrinal positions. Two of them had attended the recent Catalyst Conference on the West Coast (the largest gathering of young evangelical leadership in the country), and made an interesting observation. At the conference no one with ties to the Emergent Church was invited to speak in any of the sessions or workshops because they are considered so extremely liberal and out of the mainstream of strongly biblical evangelicalism that they are deemed irrelevant. Yet, as these pastor friends added, everyone seems to know the Emergent issue has become very divisive within the Church of the Nazarene, and no one can understand why, of all churches, the Nazarenes have allowed this.

If mainline evangelical Christianity recognizes the inherent dangers in this thinking, why has it so easily found an acceptance within the leading holiness denomination that used to be at the forefront of teaching and preaching sound doctrine and countering the opposite? Why our silence? And why have we been not only slow to address it, but remain reluctant to unequivocally distance and remove ourselves from it completely? If this is indeed our posture of weakness, then we are fair game for any and every heresy, and the efforts of the Charismatics to make inroads among the Nazarenes in the late 1960's should have been postponed to the present. Again, time and space do not allow me to elaborate on this, but the Emergent Church is far more dangerous to us than what is understood at the surface level. For if you explore and dig deep enough, its tentacles and leadership all have far reaching links and ties for which there is no foundation or accommodation in Scripture, with radical and extremely liberal social and political implications.

I say this in kindness, but those within our church who continue to sympathize with, advocate for, or clearly identify themselves as "Emergents" reveal either their own naivete and ignorance of what this movement is all about, or the fact they have sold out their spiritual birthright as Nazarenes for something far less.

Developments Since the Initial Letter

In my original letter I referenced the conference, "Nurturing the Prophetic Imagination," conducted on one of our college campuses that featured speakers who identified themselves as far left activists, globalists, and anti-capitalists, as well as a Muslim and one who was sympathetic to Buddhism and universalism. As a result of drawing attention to that event and those kinds of guest speakers, a lengthy phone conference call took place between the conference organizer and five district superintendents, including myself, during which the university spokesman graciously fielded our questions and concerns and admitted some mistakes were made with the invitation to certain speakers. In the end he promised they would consult with a group of superintendents and/or pastors from that region to avoid similar mistakes in advance of another planned conference. In addition, a two-page list of suggestions was submitted for the university to consider as protective safe guards for such conferences in the future.

But let me digress here for a moment. To set the record straight, I am FOR Nazarene higher education. I am a product of one of our schools and our seminary, as are all four of my children who have gone to Nazarene universities. But I am NOT FOR our schools being commandeered by liberals in positions of authority. As a church we have an increasing number of people who would identify themselves today as "liberal"...some in a superior, elitist manner, and because they've become progressively liberal in their thinking...some wearing it almost as a badge of honor that they have come out of conservatism (which some would define as "repressive legalism")...and some due to an exaggerated fear of being labeled a fundamentalist. Liberals and liberalism pervade every sector of our society, but its inroads into the Church of the Nazarene, including what appears now to be a growing occupancy at our schools, is a more recent development. And it coincides with challenges we are facing today as a church.

But what may not be fully understood is that the modern liberal worldview is steeped in godlessness. Its comprehensive core values are based on the inherent goodness of the nature of man, not his fallen nature due to sin. It claims man's fall is from the corruption of the world, but dismisses the Bible's formulation of a corrupt world resulting from fallen man.

This liberal worldview sees redemption not through God but in the belief that individual citizens should not necessarily be held accountable for their own actions; rather, government is responsible for the happiness, well being, justice, security, and equality of every citizen. In addition, it is the "general will" of a government that will unerringly purge society of its cultural and social poisons and remold human nature. Therefore, we can trust a democratically-elected government to do the correct things regarding social engineering projects. And, it is the role of government to not only provide a good economic environment, but to insure the economic equality of every one of its citizens...regardless of poor choices or lack of ambition, commitment to excellence, degree of talent, etc.

Since, according to this thinking, no Supreme Creator or Author of Law has established what is good or bad, there is no clear standard of right and wrong or good and evil, except that which is established by human government. Perhaps this is why so many liberal, secular humanists are caught up in environmental causes, almost in a pagan admiration of Mother Earth, mystified and overawed by her power. It is also why more and more liberals disassociate themselves from anything having to do with nationalism or patriotism. They deny the biblical idea of dominion and progress, the most ringing affirmation of which is the United States of America.

In short, liberalism, at its core, is pure and simple casuistry...the deciding of moral issues by subtle but false reasoning.

When we invite guest speakers to our campuses who openly describe themselves as an "activist," it almost always conceals far more than what it conveys. For an activist is invariably a militant reformer, someone who crusades for change, often associated with leading demonstrations and strikes in opposition to or in support of a cause, and who is more often than not considered to be a radical militant. (Ever wonder how all of those militant demonstrators just happen to "show up" whenever there is a G-8 or G-20 Economic Summit somewhere? Their demonstrations, destruction, and violence are carefully planned and financed in advance, and then carried out by the anarchists of the far left). A "globalist" favors a one-world governing system that no longer allows for the sovereignty, freedoms, rights, privileges, and independence that has made America unique and great from its inception. And an "anti-capitalist" is one who sees free enterprise as "the enemy," and is either a socialist, Marxist, fascist, or communist, which have always been flawed and failed economies based on the subjection and captivity of people, and unable to sustain themselves.

Why should these kinds of guests, or anyone with a liberal worldview, be welcomed, entertained, celebrated, and honored on a Nazarene campus, not to mention being paid an honorarium? Why conduct events comprised of the same kinds of guest speakers easily found at an event on a secular campus? Who are we trying to placate or impress? How close to the edge are we wanting to appear in terms of maintaining one foot with ties to a conservative, evangelical, holiness denomination, and yet have the other foot "in the world?" Are we taking our cues and seeking academic validation from those with a radically different it spiritual, philosophical, political, or social? Shouldn't it be important that speakers we invite to appear on our campuses have a message--and embody a message--that would be edifying, even pivotal, for our students, as well as congruent to our mission? Until more recently we were willing to maintain some isolation, if need be, in order to maintain our spiritual heritage, values, and identity.

I mentioned I have been surprised, to say the least, by the responses and feedback I've received, all of which, with the exception of two, have been extremely supportive and encouraging. And the two exceptions were not necessarily negative, but simply questioned whether or not I should have been as direct and open as I was in a public letter. If I erred in this manner, I stand corrected. But the letter was produced only because I believe we are in a battle for the very survival of our church. And every effort was made to state and report things accurately, to write in a spirit of loving concern for our church, and with no intent to chastise or embarrass anyone.

Perhaps most revealing is what people have communicated back to me. The following are exact quotes and a sampling of those comments:

I have been extremely concerned and fairly active attempting to stand for truth in the midst of the Post Modern, emergent church, open and process theology movement that seems to be significantly impacting our church and overwhelming some departments of our Nazarene schools, and specifically the Theology and Christian Ministries Department at NNU. While that is another discussion it has been difficult finding anyone to openly speak against such things for reasons completely unknown to me. There seems to be a feeling or perception that any disagreement of thought or opposition to the previously mentioned movement, and some of the more prominent proponents within our denomintion who are promoting it, is seen as divisive and dangerous. I am way past concern for our denomination. I believe she is in full blown crisis and fear the ship is adrift with no one at the helm. ---Nazarene layman and commercial airline pilot

I'm not sure I even recognize our church anymore. And because of that it could be that my wife and I won't even attend a Nazarene church when I retire. ---Noted Nazarene pastor

I am thankful that you are being bold for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and are taking a stand against all the evil that is happening in our church. I am sure you realize that among much of the leadership it is certainly not the thing to do. We were told by our district leadership that it would not be discussed anymore, and if we did not like it we could leave. My prayer is that more leaders like yourself would not only count the cost, but also be willing to pay the price. I will be praying for you and your family, for there is a price to pay. ---Nazarene layperson

I am alarmed. The emergent church has penetrated our colleges and seminary and our very own publishing house. It is coming at us from all sides. And no one in the general leadership of the church appears to be stopping it. I had a conversation two weeks ago with a graduate of NTS who recently completed his D.Min. He gently corrected me for referring to God in masculine terms as I had prayed. I had used the term "in Jesus Christ Your Son." This NTS graduate informed me that it was wrong to use masculine terms to identify God. Perhaps God was feminine. To refer to God or His Son Jesus in masculine terms was wrong. He then proceeded to go on and advise me that great pastors challenge everything, question most things, and doubt some things. In the end his conversation concluded that he didn't believe most of the great stories of the Old Testament like Daniel in the lion's den. This young pastor has graduated from one of our universities and now from our seminary, and one day he will even probably be a DS on some district. He comes from a Nazarene heritage, has all the right endorsements, and knows the right people. That is what is scaring me to death...that these emergent church followers will one day be leading our denomination. They are in our schools and in our publishing house, so where does it all end? ---Nazarene elder connected with the GMC

Is it too late? Have we moved down the path so far we can never return? Probably. I do not see the church turning back to loving God with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. I do not see the church repenting of her arrogant assumptions and throwing herself upon the mercies of a Holy, Holy, Holy God. I fear far too many of our preachers do not pray and do not engage in the Word and certainly do not preach expositional sermons. Many do not believe people are lost and desperately need to repent of their sin that leads to death. Nor do they believe that God is inviting them to be sanctified through and through, to die to self that Christ might live His mighty life through them. ---Well-known, highly profiled Nazarene church leader

I'm responding to you personally and not in a group reply due to the fact that I've not yet "come out of the closet," so to speak. To actually say that you hold traditional, conservative, Nazarene values is becoming less acceptable as the days go by. I think I was the only one at my table (at the DS Leadership Conference) that believed God specifically created life, major species, and Adam and Eve. Another DS openly questioned the validity of a specific moment of sanctification in favor of a gradual growth in grace that just evolved until it was noticed one day. At that point I wondered if I was accidentally attending a meeting of Freewill Baptists.

I'm greatly troubled by the theological drift to the left. This 180 book truly is a 180. Instead of stories of lives that have been traditionally turned around by the grace of Christ, we're given stories of Christians turned from traditionally held Nazarene positions to those that would be more acceptable in secular universities. ---Both statements from one of our younger district superintendents

Thank God for your courage. For nearly a decade the deafening silence has brought me near to despair. ---Highly respected Nazarene evangelist

Over the past year or so I have had an increasing number of Nazarene pastors and lay leaders bring their kids to __________ (a non-Nazarene Christian university) and explicitly tell us that they don't trust their Nazarene schools anymore and that they are thrilled to find a college of the Wesleyan-holiness family that is unapologetic in its defense of inerrancy and the historical orthodoxy of the Church. ---The president of a non-Nazarene Christian university

Frankly, I am both saddened and troubled that these comments are the reflections of any Nazarene, but they represent comments I have received. And if the prominent names of these and others who have responded were known, it might be both disturbing and shocking.

And then there has been a rather new development. My initial letter also alluded to a full-page tribute to Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu of Africa that appeared in the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries magazine a couple of years ago. Why would a conservative, evangelical, Wesleyan denomination give any kind of tribute to a man recognized as the most liberal Anglican bishop in the world, and whom many consider to be an avowed Marxist? I found it indefensible then, and still do. But now comes along another inexplicable and embarrassing indictment of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in the form of a 62-page document entitled, "Creation Care--Environmental Stewardship for the Church of the Nazarene," that appeared on our Nazarene website until it was mysteriously removed over a month ago due to "numerous calls and complaints."

When I first learned of it, I managed to download the document before it disappeared. It began not with Scripture, but with an American Indian proverb, and much of the document reads as if it were put together by far left environmentalists, with discussion topics on global warming, who's to blame for the environmental crisis, the Green Belt Movement, the responsibility of the rich, etc. But perhaps the real insult to our mission and to who we are as a church was found on page 59 when it says, "In this most critical moment in Earth's history, we are convinced that the central moral imperative of our time is the care for Earth as God's creation."

When did our moral imperative change from reaching the lost for Christ to caring for the earth? Who is responsible for writing or speaking this for the Church of the Nazarene, and guiding us down these paths? Why does a 62-page liberal environmental document appear on our official church website? Who approved it, and by what authority? Why, and by whose authority, was it removed when people began asking questions? And has the infection of liberalism, that does not represent the mainstream of our church, reached certain positions at the general church level as it has at some of our schools? If so, the disconnect within our church will not only widen, it will become irreparable.

What is Next?

I contend that these and other questions raised must be answered clearly and succinctly before our "house is in order." It is imperative that they be addressed and answered sooner rather than later in order to diffuse the growing sense of fear, frustration, and angst within our church as to who we are, or who we've become, or where we're going. They must be addressed and answered in some format made public and available to the entire church, for they are questions Nazarenes want and have a right to have answered because too much is at stake for the present and the future of our church.

Perhaps equally troubling is why there is even the need for anyone to bring attention to and question these matters...the silence of leadership...the tolerance of a heresy that challenges the truth and certainty of God's Word and has become so divisive...the encroachment of a liberal worldview almost without reaction...the publication of questionable material by our own presses...or liberal, left-of-center documents that keep on "slipping by," all within the Church of the Nazarene. Has our sight and vision as a church become so blurred or opaque that we no longer know, immediately and automatically, what is right and best and correct for us to do...or what is necessary...or what is prudent...or what is holy? And if not, who is giving guidance, governance, and correction? Who is demanding excellence? Who is requiring accountability and following through? Tough questions, I know, that may sound harsh. But as a Nazarene I simply want us to be the best at who we are and what we do without the need of having to explain or defend or justify or rationalize...period!

In so doing and going forward from here, the following appears to be essential:

1. Our leadership at the highest level must take bold, decisive, transparent action at this crucial hour...and lead. I am grateful for the response from the board of general superintendents to my initial letter. They, too, identify with many of the concerns I and others share, have asked a number of people to partner with them in discussion about the needs, and even have some initiatives presently underway. In a reply to them I have submitted some suggestions for their consideration, one of which is the calling of a "summit meeting" of all US/Canada district superintendents and college/university/seminary presidents, as soon as possible, to intentionally address a number of issues point blank, face to face. Just as we need to hear from our general leadership, they also need to hear from the rest of us, for we all share in the responsibility for our church. The importance of such a meeting cannot be overstated, for we are beyond the stage of mere discussion and more dialogue.

2. District and pastoral leadership must also sense their own responsibility. As a district superintendent, I am part of the leadership of our church, and thus accountable for the kinds of pastors and churches I oversee. Our Church Manual (208.9) states that all pastors selected for local churches must be approved by the district superintendent. Recently a fellow DS provided new meaning and substance to this provision. He notified the religion department of one of our schools, known for their emergent tolerance, that no one graduating from that institution with emergent thinking would be given consideration or allowed to interview for a pastoral position at any church on that district. Which is why pastors must recognize their own responsibility. No ministry activity is more important than rightly understanding and clearly proclaiming sound doctrine, and our church is only as strong as what is taking place at the local grass roots level.

3. From the beginning of their establishment, each of our schools of higher learning has been afforded a level of autonomy. But that autonomy must be balanced with accountability, not only from the school administrations, but also from their respective governing boards. Too often these boards have viewed their role as more of a "rubber stamp" of approval for what the institution is already doing or proposes to do rather than taking time to study, probe, and ask some direct, hard, and sometimes delicate, questions. But no question should be too sensitive or too simple when, as an elected trustee, you are also a spiritual gatekeeper of that institution. Trustees have not only a right, but an obligation to know exactly where the institution stands when it comes to open theism, relativism, post-colonial readings of Scripture, process theology, or anything that promotes homosexuality or Marxism or socialism or big government. For a school is beholden to its governing board of elected trustees, not vice versa.

4. The conscience of the church must speak out. It's one thing for one voice, or a few, to articulate concerns. But it's quite another when the conscience as a body is stirred to action and begins to be heard. The hour is at hand...the time is now...for the conscience of the Church of the Nazarene to no longer be dormant or silent, among both clergy and laity.

5. And then there is the matter of prayer...and the need of our own hearts. The truth is, far too many in the Church of the Nazarene today have never experienced what this church was built upon, why it came into existence 102 years ago, and the source of its dauntless strength and success. It was the sanctifying, infilling power of the Holy Spirit. Even the words, "sanctification," or "the baptism of the Holy Ghost," often seem but a distant echo of something spoken from the past. Yet it was that experience that made us different (set apart), helped us overcome great odds during our formative, early years, and produced uncharted growth, anointed preachers and preaching, and a spirit of revival...even in the midst of a great economic depression sandwiched in between two world wars.

In Acts 15:8-9 we read these words, God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He made no distinction between us and them for he purified their hearts by faith. It is the report of the Apostle Peter to the mother church in Jerusalem, telling of the Gentile Pentecost at Caesarea, tying the Gentile Pentecost to the Jerusalem Pentecost that had occurred some 20 years earlier. Maybe it's time for us as a church to clearly admit that, more than anything else, we are in need of a modern day Nazarene Pentecost, tying it back to the Gentile Pentecost, which was linked back to the Jerusalem Pentecost that changed the whole complexion of the early church. It begins by getting alone with God in earnest prayer to initiate or renew the death to self process by which we become dead instruments in the hands of a holy God...the only way to truly, effectively serve the Lord and have spiritual victory.

When such a movement of God's Spirit comes, it will consume, purge, and cleanse every concern, every issue, every challenge, and every sin presently facing our church. It is for this reason that district superintendents are meeting this coming September 14-16 for a prayer gathering in Tennessee to specifically seek the Lord on behalf of our church.

On the authority of God's Word we have ample evidence that God desires to utilize and bless our church here in the U.S. and Canada in the same manner and full extent He has done elsewhere. But if He finds those channels here no longer operative, tragically He will look elsewhere. For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Orville Jenkins, Jr, Superintendent
North Florida District
Church of the Nazarene

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Manny Silva,
Stand For Truth Ministries

"The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever." Psalm 119:160

A soma da tua palavra é a verdade, e cada uma das tuas justas ordenanças dura para sempre.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Em tudo somos atribulados, mas não angustiados; perplexos, mas não desesperados;perseguidos, mas não desamparados; abatidos, mas não destruídos;

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