Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hymn 603

Hymn 603, The Lutheran Hymnal, lyrics under copyright.

Shrinker Modus Operandi

rhs ( has left a new comment on your post "Shrinkers Scared into Using Blocking Service":

The fake Ichabod makes a big stink about slander and libel when that is exactly what it does. What deceitful, yellow journalism!


GJ - You have identified the modus operandi of the Second Synod, WELS Church and Change. They howl in pain when their false doctrine is identified. They scream "Slander!" whenever someone dares to confront them. But they are lazy, lying slanderers.

It takes 12 straight years of WELS brain-washing to render a pastor so inept that he publishes an anonymous blog demanding an answer to his ignorant rants.

I would like to thank Ash, Kelm, Parlow, Witte, Glende, Englebrecht, Ski, and the plagiarizing pastors at Bethany, Appleton - for revealing to WELS what Church and Change is all about.


From the fake blog:

Protect Your Reputation

Listening to the car radio this afternoon, I heard an advertisement for This software allows people to react and respond online to those who would post slanderous and libelous statements about them.

For those who names and reputations have been dragged through the gutter by Dr. Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D. on his Ichabod the Glory Has Departed blog, you may want to check out


GJ - Here is the funniest joke of all. The fake blogger used a variation on this blog's name so he (Glende) could get people to read his material from the Google links. The very technology Glende used to get a few readers by craft and deceit is what he blocks to hide the true and verified information about him, Groeschel, Glende, and Doug the Unready - on this blog. I appreciate the joke, because the Money Changers are the butt of it. Like their leaders Jeske, Patterson, and Gurgle, they have to hide, sneak around, cover up, deny, and falsify. You can run, but you can't hide.

Shrinkers Scared into Using Blocking Service

A WELS member has informed me that the Shrinkers are using a paid blocking service on the Net, to keep people from reading about them from Google searches.

The service must be doing a whale of a business, because all the Shrinkers covered frequently are blocked (images and Ichabod links) - about 90%, according to my IT department.

Last year I heard about people bawling all around WELS. No matter what search they did, Ichabod came up first. In fact, I saw that happening as I did research with Google. I was the first choice on any given Lutheran topic. I was the source for graphics too.

If you think someone is pulling my leg, I can quote the fake Ichabod blog where that very service is named, promoted, and linked. In contrast, they dare not link me or quote me because I can refute the Shrinkers so easily. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature can, so that is no boast.

Fear is the reason why they are spending money to keep off Google, where the proof is quoted and linked, even if the links mysteriously disappear. Fear comes from their lack of faith.

Too late for blocking, Church and Money Changers. Everyone is finding out how millions of dollars were wasted, how Lutheran doctrine was attacked, how New Age paganism was advanced by your scrofulous friends.

Instead of fixing the links, you should have corrected your doctrine.

PS - My idea. Instead of paying $20 a month to block Google, why not pay half that per month to keep me from writing? I will call the service

Phone call. My attorneys - Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe. Just a minute. "OK, hold on guys. I understand." They said that my idea would be prosecuted under RICO, FERPA, HIPAA, and UGMA.

Mrs. Ichabod added, "Those yahoos would couldn't finance a trip to Hooters, let alone a monthly service, unless they tapped their congregational budgets, three foundations, Thrivent, and synod subsidies."

Church of the Augsburg Confession

Martin Chemnitz saw himself as a theologian of the Augsburg Confession.

People have asked me about Church of the Augsburg Confession. I used that term because Diablo thought Triglotta Lutheran was a bit awkward on my Facebook page.

I have nothing against the name Lutheran, so I am not in synch with the leading lights of apostasy. However, there are so many variations on Lutheran synodical names that some are being repeated, like Hollywood B movie titles - King Kong, Frankenstein, Dracula. The confusing term Augustana Ministerium has been revived, although it properly describes the pastors of the Augustana Synod.

Luther and Chemnitz called themselves theologians of the Augsburg Confession. I have to wonder about any Lutheran pastor who thinks the Book of Concord is boring, irrelevant, or out of date. The same people think Groeschel, Sweet, and Driscoll are relevant!

We do not have an Augie League for kids - so far. Our Altar Guild consists of ladies from three states who work on improving the chapel.

Antinomianism - The Law Is Obsolete

WELS is now facing what I predicted 18 years ago - the force of the law.

For instance, if their colleges wink at underage drinking and other crimes, how big will the lawsuit be when someone establishes liability for the school officials, the school, and the synod? ELCA lost a lawsuit for $40 million because of its attitude about being above the law. That is more likely to happen in the future, no matter which synod is involved.

WELS has a deep respect for man-made law, since they cherish 4,117 unwritten rules laid down by their savants from the recent past. One is - a student can only sit with his classmates in chapel. That law is enforced with rigorous shunning and warnings. They also defend the inerrancy and authority of Holy Mother Synod while confessing the Scriptures are full of g-r-a-y (stretch out the word gray) passages, which only their expert MDivs can interpret.

I remember WELS Pastor Robert Schumann taking the classic position of the Antinomians when he was in Columbus - the Law is a tutor that leads us to Christ. Paul did say that in Galatians, but the Apostle did not conclude the Law was obsolete. Schumann did, just like his spiritual father Agricola, another bright fellow. The Michigan District knew they had a full-blown heretic on their hands, but did nothing about it. Heresy was a hobby, not a sin, in the Tailhook Circuit. Schumann also denied Creation, which was one of the reasons the church left The ALC in the first place. I wondered what the sainted Pastor Lange would have said about the spiritual oversight of his congregation.

Schumann was simply being honest about a common attitude in WELS, which has its parallels in ELCA. In the name of UOJ, there is no sin, so they can do whatever they want. Their spiritual pride does not allow them to admit being wrong about anything, so they punish and shun anyone who questions their teetering Tower of Babel. Like all Pietists, they shun for life, and this shunning is visited upon the extended family wherever possible. If WELS can destroy a marriage in the name of synodical fidelity, then all glory be to God. They have no problem with destroying friendships. Better that one should die for the sake of many, as the Pharisee once said.

One would guess that the Michigan District would have avoided repeating the disastrous Antinomian decisions of DP Mueller and VP Kuske, who were retired by "decision" and by being voted out. But Columbus happened because of the lax Circuit Pastors, who could not manage to knock the skin off a pudding, let alone deal with legal and doctrinal issues. They replaced one "spineless DP" (in the words of F. Bivens) with another one. The vicarage supervisor of Jailhouse Rock Zerbe was restored by former CP and now DP John Seifert. Thus WELS basks in eons of grace without the Means of Grace - UOJ Antinomianism.

I did not just get off the bus from Little Flower Convent School. I work in institutions where instructors violate the law and bosses deceive others. However, the law constrains them with brutal force. They may not confess with David Scaer that "The devil aims at the crotch," but they recognize that principle and act accordingly. I heard about two incidents where the instructors were canned on the spot after dalliances or attempts to begin something. In fact, instructors are fired after one session for being lazy bags of wind or not showing up as scheduled. I work under various constraints of newly written federal law, which are mostly good and must be obeyed - or else. They deal with disabled students and the right of privacy.

In higher education and in corporate life, the web of regulation is protective in a way never experienced in a church body today. No one can march in and get rid of someone, for having questions, the way Pope John the Malefactor did. The secular powers also know that protecting an evil person could cost them millions of dollars. That does not make them perfect, but they are more likely to think twice before violating the law. Appeals can be messy and expensive. Some people complained about policies at one school and the entire workforce was changed to reflect those charges.

If someone asks about problems in WELS, there are two avenues used to cover them up. One is to defame the person with the information (a crime not recognized by WELS). The other is to make up a minor concession--chuckle, we are not perfect--while lying promiscuously. The discipline of shunning is no longer working so well. Before, people were afraid of The Stare and the silence following. Now they are discussing matters instantly, facilitated by the Net.

Two approaches may be used in dealing with The SORE in Appleton - not to mention St. Peter, Freedom...Bethany, Appleton...St. Mark, Depere.
One - blame me and my little blog for all the trouble. DP Englebrecht has already tried this without success. Pastor Tim Glende and his Gang of Four have blogged and commented anonymousely without effect, except to encourage and empower me. Timid Lutherans have pulled back in horror, afraid of taking a position on anything.
Two - face the doctrinal and legal problems involved. Plagiarism is a crime. So is violating the contract, the call, where promises are made on both sides. The congregation promises to pay if the pastor fulfills his stated duties. Copying a sermon and lying about it caused one WELS pastor to leave the ministry years ago. Now, under Englebrecht, it is reason to support the men involved and promote them as district leaders. Naturally, the divine call involves doctrinal issues, so everyone should be dealing with those matters.

Trepid Lutherans are ignoring the same issues elsewhere, such as CrossWalk in Phoenix, CrossRoads in Chicago, Latte in Wisconsin, and the new female pastor at Holy Word, Austin, Texas.

Synod officials can be sponsors of heretics. They usually are. The question is whether they can be Confessional Lutherans before it is too late. "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"

Emergent Church

Critics are saying:

"I laughed out loud and almost spewed coffee on my computer screen this morning.

Same cell, sprayed for bugs, detailed cars..... what a hoot!

I cannot wait to see the next one!


Name withheld and blocked on Google