Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guess Who Is Working with the New Jeske-Patterson Synod?
Look at the Church Links And Find Out Below

GJ - Good summaries:

Av Tattenai has left a new comment on your post "Guess Who Is Working with the New Jeske-Patterson ...":

It should be astonishing that an allegedly Lutheran congregation should approvingly link to a website which teaches, "We believe in the ordinances of believer’s water baptism by immersion as a testimony to Christ and identification with Him, and the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Christ’s death and shed blood." In view of their apparent toleration of such contradictions of the Small Catechism, how does the WELS imagine they are any different from the ELCA?


bored has left a new comment on your post "Guess Who Is Working with the New Jeske-Patterson ...":

Check out these WELS Women's services:


I don't suppose you or your readers will enjoy reading these 'Church Services for women', but it is probably important to be aware of what is available on the official WELS site.

I read through a few of these "services" and was not surprised to see the expected Christmas hymns and various barely-liturgical orders of service. The sermons, or rather, narrative expositions, are similar to the saccharine fluff you might find in Reader's Digest, many times offering secular moral of "Christmas is more than just gifts and materialism...there is something else!!" The messages of these "services" are very nearly just as applicable to Hottentots and Hindoos as they are to Lutherans.

When these "Womans' Services" do mention The Christ, they do it like this:

" Narrator: Great bargains are exciting and good news from beloved family and friends can be a delight. But as good as the sales are this week, next week Kohl’s will announce the biggest sale of the season. As perfect as the perfect gift is, it will likely be lost, broken or worn out soon; and nothing can compare to the perfect gift of a Savior. ' (excerpt from Advent by Candlelight, written by Naomi Schmidt)

Is anyone else insulted? If you're not, you ought to be. I'm insulted firstly because they insult Jesus Christ by comparing him to a bargain (but a better bargain!!). By describing Jesus as the superlative of the capitalist shopper's notion of "a good deal" they trod on his glory and his sacrifice. I'm secondly insulted because the writers' condescension is blatant. Do they suppose that the average WELS woman is so ignorant and petty that she needs to be reminded that Christ's Universal Atonement and individual Justification by Faith is better than the Aaron Rodger's Jersey she bought for her husband? Naomi, thanks so much for the reminder. I'm going to write that down so I don't forget. Naomi has a special perspicuity that will go down in song, I'm sure.

I'm sorry if I get a little snide when angry, but this stuff borders on the ludicrous.

The term "worship service" or "The Divine Service" actually has meaning beyond an arbitrary selection of words. The etymology of the word 'service' from M-W.com: "Middle English, from Anglo-French servise, from Latin servitium condition of a slave, body of slaves, from servus slave. "

So if we talk about a worship service, it's proper to ask who is acting as a slave? Who is serving whom? Ask around and you'll get different answers, but the truth is that in The Divine Service, God is acting as servant, serving grace to the Elect through Word and Sacrament. It is so humbling beyond words that the Omnipotent God would serve his creations that perhaps the content and form of our Worship Services should reflect that juxtaposition. In any event, I think it's safe to say that it's flippant and foolish to craft a worship service devoid of Word and Sacrament. God has chosen The Means of Grace for a reason. It's hubris and unChristian to hold a service with those Means.

I, for one, will write the Synodical leaders concerning these so-called Services, asking them to edit them to include the Means of Grace. I encourage everyone to pull out their keyboards and do the same.


John has left a new comment on your post "Guess Who Is Working with the New Jeske-Patterson ...":

I couldn't decide whether to reach for a tissue or a barf bag when reading what this supposedly Lutheran pastor and congregation recommend to readers of their site.

Their recommendation of churches that deny the efficacy of the Means of Grace is, in fact a statement of this pastor and congregation regarding the efficacy of the Means of Grace.

Accordingly, wouldn't anyone partnering with this pastor and congregation also be denying the efficacy of the Means of Grace?


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GJ - Mequon grads can left-click on the icons above and be whisked to such WELS idols as Mars Hill Church, where Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katie also communed.

Pilgrim, WELS, Minneapolis.

Ask the Pastor

Do you have a question about doctrine, values, denominations, world religions, church practices, the Bible, what brand of coffee we use at our coffee hours...

Well this is your chance to have our pastor
Rev. Peter Leyrer
give you a well thought out, informative, theologically astute and plain English answer to that question thathas been just nagging at you.

Pastor Pete will be answering your questions
during the sermon time of both services, on the first Sunday of each month.
Just click on Pastor Petes (sic) nose to submit your question
If you have a question of a more personal nature or would like to make an appointment to talk with Pastor Pete please click here

ELCA Brain-Washing May Be Worse Than WELS/ELS Brain Washing:
Jeske and Patterson Start Their Own Synod Headquarters

The house of cards will fall.

From ALPB:
Seminarians in the ELCA are forced to go through training to sensitize them to the badness of maleness and whiteness.  I think it was called the "Anti-Racism Workshop" when I was at LTSG.  Like most things liberal it was exactly the opposite of what it claimed, being a mind-numbing series of reverse-racisim role-plays, speeches, readings, and small group 'sharing' sessions.  When I asked (in private during a break) the quota-identified leader of the event why our discussion of oppression did not include the most powerless and oppressed group in our American society - the unborn - she told me I didn't understand and refused to engage me in respectful conversation.  This experience has been no different.  Inconvenient facts are glossed over so a few people can say whatever they want without regard for the truth.

Someone added:
I remember this well.  It was one of the most rigid and tightly-scripted pieces of mind control propaganda I have ever experienced.  As you note, there was no room for dissent.  One simply endured.  Fortunately, it was a one-time, one-day event and then we were able to get back to more mundane things such as what pronouns are acceptable in referring to the Father.

Meanwhile, in WELS-ville:

Grace In Action
On Eagle's Wings
Grace in Action Partners
Willowcreek's Little College

Wisconsin Lutheran College, affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a Lutheran liberal arts college for Christian men and women. The college is committed to providing quality teaching, scholarship, and service that are rooted in Holy Scripture; promoting the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff; and preparing students for lives of Christian leadership.

Mark Jeske's - Time of Generic Grace

Time of Grace is an outreach media ministry that was founded in 2001 by a small group of committed, focused Christians. The sole mission of this non-profit organization has always been to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most advanced technology available.

Pilgrim School

Mission: Educate the child in spiritual and secular matters, cooperatively with the family, in order to equip the child to be a productive citizen of God's earthly and  heavenly kingdoms.

Pilgrim School is a family environment in which the Great Commission is embraced fully through reaching and teaching an amazinggly diverse, urban student body. The ethnic makeup of Pilgrim School is 50% African American, 5% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 5% Hmong, 5% African Immigrant, and 30% Northern European. Pilgrim School is a Title 1 School with 70% of its population at poverty level or below. 

DP Buchholz' - CrossWalk Ministries

CrossWalk Church is a rapidly growing church in the Laveen and South Mountain Village areas of suburban Phoenix, AZ.  Starting with a single service and about 35 people in the fall of 2004, CrossWalk has grown to two services with nearly 500 people worshipping each Sunday. The core of CrossWalk's vision is to be a "church for unchurched people." That means that we're all about meeting people where they're at. This attitude toward church actually goes all the way back to the earliest days of Christianity. Paul, the apostle, talks about it numerous times, for instance, in his first letter to the Corinthians (9:19-23, 10:31-33, and 14:24-25). It's for this reason that on Sunday mornings we provide worship in "a casual atmosphere."
Hispanic Ministries

Risen Savior Lutheran Church and School, located in an impoverished area in northwest Milwaukee, recognizes that its Hispanic Ministry is unique in a number of ways. First, we are the only Christian organization serving the Hispanic population in northwest Milwaukee with a full-time Hispanic pastor (Seth Haakenson) and the only church in all of north Milwaukee offering services in Spanish. We understand that other congregations in different areas of our country serve their Hispanic neighbors well and also may offer services in Spanish. However, in many of those areas there may be a number of Christian churches at which Latinos could worship. Such is not the case in our area. We are the only option Hispanics in northwest Milwaukee have to learn of God's grace.

Second, the population that we serve is first-generation immigrants, many of whom intend to return to their homeland. Their return results in an opportunity for them to become missionaries and spread His word beyond the borders of our city. Pastor Haakenson has received numerous calls from people in Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico who were referred to him by those who once were members of his flock in Milwaukee.

In addition, many of these immigrants lack basic reading and writing skills. Understandably, they labor in low-paying positions. Should they be able to save any money, it often is sent to their immediate family members back home. The people to whom we minister simply do not have the means to address the budget for the ministry that means so much to them.

Finally, our congregation not only is committed to its Hispanic ministry, but also to a raft of other outreach programs. Our members (many of whom are elderly and on fixed incomes) support a Christian elementary school, an African-American population whose spiritual and physical needs are as great as their Hispanic neighbors, after-school programs for children, pregnancy information classes, a food pantry, summer school sessions, a free health clinic, and a host of other activities through which we are able to spread His word. All of this spiritual and physical assistance is desperately needed in this neglected neighborhood.

In spite of these challenges, our five-year-old Hispanic Ministry has been blessed beyond that which anyone could have initially imagined. Our Spanish worship attendance has risen from an average of ten per service five years ago to a high of 135 last May. More than 400 souls were nourished this past year in private bible study - many who previously had been led to believe that they must pray to saints and that their salvation was based upon their good works. The Lord has watched over us and encourages us to continue our efforts on His behalf. Cutting back on our Hispanic Ministry efforts simply is not an option - no matter how great the financial challenges.

We invite you to contact us for more information, visit us, and walk with us as we fulfill His great commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations."
Clarence Jenkins
Development Director
Risen Savior Lutheran

Clarence Jenkins graduated from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota in 1971 with a BA in education.

He has taught in a Lutheran grade school, two Lutheran high schools, and a Lutheran college. He’s earned an MA in Education at the University of St. Thomas, an MA in English at Central Michigan University, and a Ph.D. in English at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee.

For the last thirteen years, Clarence has worked in the area of financial development--as a vice-president at Wisconsin Lutheran College, an associate vice-president at the Milwaukee Metropolitan YMCA, and for the last three years as development director at Risen Savior Lutheran Church and School. He currently lives in Wauwatosa where he served as alderman for nine years.

Clarence and his wife Ruth, also a Lutheran teacher, have been blessed with four children and five grandchildren.


Pathways to College for Families

Pathways  to College for Families is a program designed to aid students and families coming from the greater Twin Cities, primarily from low-income families, and primarily minority families with college prospects and preparation in order for them all to succeed in college.  Pathways to College for Families will be broken out into three main components; our pre-college component designed to work with students from preschool through 12th grade, our parent component designed to mentor, support and help navigate through the process of getting their child prepared for and succeeding in college and our college component which is designed to foster the success of our students throughout their college career to completion.

Kudu Don's  - A Reason For Hope (RFH)

RFH is a radio/internet ministry project that was started in March 2005 and is run under the umbrella of Don Patterson's home congregation in Austin, Texas (Holy Word Lutheran - WELS).

Currently everyone who works on the RFH project are volunteers. RFH produces weekly 25-minute radio broadcasts on KLGO in Austin (Sundays 12:30 and 7:30 PM) and on KKMS in the Twin Cities (Sundays 7 AM).
WELS Kingdom Workers

Mission Statement:

WELS Kingdom Workers exists for the purpose of assisting the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) mission divisions in their task of making disciples according to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To accomplish this purpose, WELS Kingdom Workers will endeavor, under God
  • to inform WELS members of the needs and opportunities that exist in home and world mission fields;
  • to encourage WELS members to become personally involved in mission work;
  • to facilitate and coordinate volunteer efforts in mission fields;
  • to provide financial support for authorized, but yet unfunded, mission programs.

Justification Book - First Draft - Published on Lulu.com

Cover and artwork by Norma Boeckler

Here is the link for the free download and for ordering print copies.

This is the first draft. I decided to take advantage of the long weekend and teaching work being finished to get this done.

I know that much more can be done on this. I hope to have the finished version done by Reformation Day - look that up on your Thrivent calendar, if it is listed at all.

Comments are welcome. I have left a wealth of material in the text because more people need to be informed. I thought of writing an Epitome, but time and energy ran out.

I especially want to hear from the laity because most clergy will not touch this issue. It is the Third Rail of the Synodical Conference. Touch it and die.

UOJ is the biggest con job since the Prussian Union. It is not Lutheran or Confessional or Biblical.