Monday, January 24, 2011

Look at What Fell Down the Memory Hole

"Don't be upset, Brett.
In love, we did it for your immortal soul."

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Sect Still Trying To Plug the Leakin' L...":

I've quoted from (W)ELS Evergreen Lutheran High School Board meeting minutes where they rejected my contention against their teaching of UOJ and quoted Pastor Nathan Seiltz confession that 'one stabs the Gospel in the heart if he emphasizes Justification by faith'. They emailed me the letter which was attached to the Nov. 2008 meeting minutes that were posted on the school's website. I've referenced and linked those meeting minutes in the past. I went back last week to confirm the meeting date and they've removed the minutes from that meeting. They no longer have the posting from November.

I still have the email letter for anyone who requires the information which was a public document while it existed on their website.


GJ - Contact Brett Meyer for copies. I suggest writing me at

I will forward it to Brett.

You can also obtain the Harley files and my Justification book, all PDFs, that way. I will send those myself.

UOJ thrives on ignorance of the Scriptures, indifference about the Confessions. Change will come from the laity, not from the belly-worshipers.