Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fix the Foundations
Instead of Painting Over the Cracks and Dry Rot

What is more hypocritical? WELS working with ELCA? Or WELS working with the Salvation Army
and giving them funds?

Thrivent, Salvation Army, WELS

"Conservative" Lutherans have neglected the foundational elements of the Christian faith while aping the Arminians, Pentecostals, and New Agers.

The Reformation leaders were anxious to avoid the term "doctrines" because there is only one, unified truth called Christian doctrine. The Christian faith is not modular, like a Leggo construction kit, where certain articles can be ignored or removed altogether.

The following items have been neglected or ignored:

  1. The Syn Conference churches have by-passed the best translation, the KJV, in favor of a disgraceful translation, the NIV, soon to be the ESV, another mistake. They could use the KJV 21, which is modernized but faithful to the sacramental passages.
  2. The Syn Conference churches have also neglected Luther and the Book of Concord. The Ft. Wayne Hyper-Europeans seem to skip over the main men and writings of the Reformation in favor of the more obscure. Why are they afraid of Luther and Chemnitz? Why do Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect pretend to be Confessional when their pastors loathe or do not read the Confessions?
  3. The lazy slug pastors must start studying the Bible, writing their own Biblical, Lutheran sermons, and visiting people. "A house-going pastor makes a church-going congregation." People come to church for the healing of the Gospel, not to attend another recruitment rally where they are blamed for the parish not growing.
  4. If Lutherans cannot teach the efficacy of the Word alone, the Means of Grace, and justification by faith, they are utterly apostate and worse than the Babtists they criticize and emulate.
  5. If WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect really believed what they say about ELCA, they would stop working with ELCA through Thrivent. Their testimony at this time proves they support the homosexual and abortion agenda of ELCA.
  6. Naturally, if the three synods really believed their doctrine, they would have closed communion only and not close communion, semi-close communion, and demi-semi close communion.
  7. They would also promote the Lutheran classics rather than their horrid, warmed-over Cal-Arminian monstrosities.