Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fuller Wrecked the Synods -
That Is What I Published from 1988 On

To die, to sleep--
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come...
Rub my tummy. I need a longer nap. Thanks. Meow.

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Fuller Seminary's Imprint Can Be Found in "Lay Min...":

The "everyone's a minister" mentality is destroying the synods. Is the janitor working at the Lutheran school "divinely called?" This is not said to degrade the janitor, as his earthly vocation is indeed potentially very God-pleasing. But is he "called" to administer Word and Sacrament? Certainly not.

I feel sorry for the SMP guys. I have been criticized for bad-mouthing the SMP, but is is mostly the synod that I fault. They are putting guys out there with a subpar theological education. The handy-dandy NIV/ESV translation isn't going to cut it. They don't even need to know Greek. For example, how are they going to handle Acts 2:40 (be saved vs. save yourselves), which every English translation I know of gets wrong, with the exception of the NASB, which is bad in other areas? From my elementary Greek knowledge, the text clearly appears "passive" in the Greek.


GJ - There is a place for the SMP type of training, but the synods seem to be putting LPNs in charge of thoracic surgery. The impetus is Fuller training. All the synods ran to Fuller like Garasene pigs. They asked for demonic possession, paid for it, and got it.