Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Narrow-Minded Says - Hurt Them in the Wallet

Wile E. Coyote never seems to figure it out.
Neither do the Syn Conference Lutherans.

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "But WELS Will Not Quote THAT Luther":

This reminds me of a Beth Moore sermon/pep-talk/talk-about-me-fest (?) I recently heard on the web, where she used Heb. 10:35 to tell us that we should have confidence in ourselves. Anyone who reads Heb. 10 knows in whom our confidence should be. Is this exegesis lazy, done to promote pietism, or just a ploy to sell books? You make the call. Same deal with the "Lutheran" leaders of today that base their entire theology on a couple select passages from Scripture, BOC, or Luther's Works.

I have listened to and read Beth Moore to refute her theology to a family member who thinks she's the greatest thing since pockets on a shirt. Next thing I hear, "Lutheran" churches are using her material. Now, the WELS papists are promoting the same type of theology and punish those who disagree with it. How ironic that the Universalists who think everyone was justified at the Cross teach a Theology of Glory as opposed to the Theology of the Cross.

Since it is apparent that the synods won't deal with a theological argument, there is only one thing to do: Hurt their wallets. I don't know about WELS, but a Missouri parish can enter a "state of confession." Of course, no one has the courage. Will any clergy have the courage to give up their cushy Concordia Plans (or the WELS equivalent)? Will the laity have the courage to throw a fit the next time they hear, "We're going to take this [fill in the blank] material and put a Lutheran twist on it?" Will the parishes have the courage to stop sending money to the synods? Or do we all just wait around and see what happens at the next synodical convention (if I had a nickel for every time I've heard this one)?

Sorry to rant, but this is disgusting and fires me up.


GJ - There has been a slow boycott of members and money, because the membership keeps dropping and the income in real dollars is lower all the time.

The answer is to press them on two fronts while holding back all money and all signs of approval (such as participating in various events):
First Front - Constantly press the leaders to deal with the actual doctrinal issues.
Second Front - Demand a line by line audit of the synod books, by an outside and independent auditor - not someone from the good ol' boy network.