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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Staff Infection:
You Are Paying for the Valleskey-Olson Agenda
From Fuller Seminary
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Fuller Wrecked the Synods - That Is What I Publish...":
I remember when the Staff Ministry Program was a mere twinkle in the eye of some after a synod or district convention back in the 90's. I asked a called worker just what it was that they hoped to accomplish with an SMP. The reply was something like, "we are not sure what we want, or how we are going to achieve it. But, we need staff ministers". I found that answer rather veiled and elusive. The timing also seemed suspicious. It came up right after the NWC/DMLC amalgamation. I would have been accused of being a conspiracy theorist if I had surmised that there was an agenda.
GJ - The WELS ministerium limits its criticism of the Fuller agenda to calling Lawrence Otto Olson "Larry Oh!" and "Our Staff Infection."
One of the Intrepids said, "Everyone knows he is a heretic, so he is harmless."
By establishing "Staff Ministry" at Mary Lou College, under the direction of Larry Olson, DMin, Fuller Seminary, the Church and Changers were able to create their own ministerium on the cheap. The list of women and men serving as "Staff Ministers" is enormous for a small sect.
Various other alternative programs and Church and Change Seminary of Asia do the same thing. The people in charge are Changers, with Changers running the supervisory boards. The results are predictable, and WELS members pay millions for it.
SP Schroeder supports all of this folly, by going along with and saying nothing.