ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bruce Church's Posts May Be Finding Their Mark
Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Re-Gentrifying Our Lady of Sorrows (Concordia, St....":
More on the first-class food pantry the sem students need to keep from going hungry:
excerpt: relocation of the Seminary’s Food Bank out of the basement in Loeber Hall and into renovated space within the Wartburg-Koburg Student Commons. The Seminary’s Food Bank supplies students and their families with free food and personal items in quantities based on the size of the family. The replacement walk-in freezer will be large enough to accommodate frozen foods used by the dining hall kitchen staff as well as donations of frozen meats and vegetables made available to families through the Food Bank. Display cases will initially be installed in the existing Food Bank, then relocated to the Wartburg-Koburg Student Commons when renovation work is complete. An additional benefit of replacing the existing equipment is that the new unit will be more energy-efficient, and reduce annual maintenance costs over the obsolete unit it replaces.
Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Walther Did Not Teach Justification by Faith from ...":
The day after this graphic posted, President Harrison blogs about being vigilant against the enemies of unity. I perceive that as a response to this graphic and what Ichabod has been revealing lately about the LCMS seminaries ripping off the federal govt in order to prop up Walther's Babylon.
Just think. Walther calls the greatest Lutheran theologians Arminians, and all Harrison can think about is how this might hurt unity. It reminds me of Professor Sauer's frustration that when he brings up merging the two seminaries (like the Canadian synod just did with their two seminaries), the LCMS bigwigs sign a statement saying such discussion must end because it is hurting fundraising and recruiting for the seminaries. That's exactly mirrors the response of Pope Leo X who wanted to quash discussion about Tetzel and indulgences because it was hurting fundraising for St. Peter's cathedral.
From Pr. Harrison's blog:
F.C.D. Wyneken on Preserving Unity
excerpt: All this should firmly and constantly move our hearts to pay close attention to the powerful enemies of this unity, external as much as internal.
Talking about the Seminaries
by Paul Sauer — January 14, 2010
excerpt: Failing to fully explore whether the current structure of two residential seminaries is the best way of providing residential seminary education simply because of the potential damage it might cause to the status quo is mad-hatterish in its logic.
GJ - SP Matt Harrison is a very nice guy, from what I have observed from a distance. He is also savvy about using the social media. He is the most studious SP since Jack Preus. I know Ralph Bohlmann had a Yale doctorate, but there was not much evidence of it in his work.
Harrison is good at throwing meat to the neo-Bronzies, who start purring as soon as someone mentions visiting the sacred relics at the Concordia Historical Institute. The LCMS pastors react to Harrison's mention of the Missouri saints the way tween cutters respond to Justin Bieber, fainting and bawling their eyes out. Touching.
Missouri is just as fraudulent in the use of its funds as WELS is. I know the Wisconsin felons better, so I highlight them. A pie chart showing income sources would be edifying. So would another pie chart showing how much goes to salaries, benefits, hotels, mini-bars, room movies, car rentals, and lawsuit expenses.
Congregations do that and pass the information up the line, Districts and synods should do the same.