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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Re-Gentrifying Our Lady of Sorrows (Concordia, St. Louis)
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Bloated Hours, Bloated Costs at Lutheran Seminarie...":
At Concordia St. Louis they now have a food services infrastructure upgrade that started on 18 March. They are also turning the lower floor of a dormitory into a food bank and resell it shop.
Let me translate that for you. The seminary is admitting that they have so few residential 4-year M Div students left that they now convert dormitory space for other purposes. They are also saying that their students are so poor due to high tuition costs that they need a first class food pantry and Good Will-type donation center/resell it shop. Another point is that their M Div program is so bloated that many take 5 years to complete it, and in order to wile away that amount of time and pay for it all, most students are now married, and dormitories are not suitable for couples and families.
GJ - The students fund the seminary costs with their student loans and high tuition because the synod offerings give almost nothing to the seminaries.
St. Louis and Mequon both spent millions on their campus facilities to make them more attractive to the people studying there. Both schools have declined in enrollment since then.
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Re-Gentrifying Our Lady of Sorrows (Concordia, St....":
Don't these Sin-nods have money? Why do not they just fund these students specially the deserving ones? Why does it always have to be that you pay up or else, no education?