Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Denominational Abuse Continues

I am not ready to defend the Church of Rome for anything, but they finally started doing something about their abusive church workers. The criminal conspiracies to cover up began 24 years ago. There was widespread reporting and an institutional effort to clamp down - on those trying to reform Rome. They finally lost so many lawsuits and so much respect that the new pope had to take action.

WELS, Missouri, and the ELS should take note. They have used the same criminal cover-up tactics. What earthly courts will not handle will finally be addressed in the ultimate Supreme Court. It's fun to dine on Daddy Warbucks' dime, but our mortal days are short, nothing in comparison with eternity. Meanwhile, many are harmed - not only the targeted victims, but also many surrounding them. The corruption caused by the cover-up adds to the crime. Clergy and laity learn to look the other way, lest they be accused of evil. Soon they can overlook everything, and they do in the good ol' boy network. How else does one become a Doctrinal Pussycat?

Someone contacted me today. All the details I will offer is this - decades of suffering have followed her experience.

The ELCA had to pay out $40 million for one case, where a known homosexual predator was ordained. Their news service published the story. It was not hidden. I am no fan of ELCA, but that is a good start, to publish the truth.

Rome got rid of Wisconsin Lutheran College's famous lecturer, Archbishop Weakland. They forced him into retirement. His lurid life was exposed and his embezzlement of church funds publicized. Still, many stuck by him.
Long before "Party in the MLC," there was Weakland, lecturing at Willowcreek's Little College.