ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Jeske and Ski Flip the Bird at WELS, Again.
March 10 Change N Die Conference Unchanged.
Intrepids Silent
The WELS Conference of Pussycats met, specifically over the Jeske-Ski pan-demon conference.
Nothing has changed.
The synod that will accept Groeschel-plagiarism as a good thing will also endorse, by their silence, the Change N Die conference.
Ski and Jeske are just being open about their unionism. WELS leaders pose as Lutherans but they are monetarians. Money talks, doctrine walks.
The only honest minister at Change N Die is the ELCA pastor. ELCA does exactly what it says. They voted on homosexual and lesbian ministers, then welcomed them back in while kicking out the straights. ELCA loves unionism, and they practice it with gleeful abandon. They have doctrinal agreement with the United Church of Christ. "You don't believe anything? Neither do we! Let's commune together."
WELS/LCMS are against unionism but practice it with ELCA and everyone else.
WELS is against the homosexuality of ELCA, but posted a homosexual themed video made by future ministers at the College of Ministry, the maladroitly named Martin Luther College. The video was yanked for a short time, then posted back on YouTube and also on Facebook.
And you thought Gurgle was weak?
norcal763 has left a new comment on your post "Secret WELS Plans for 2017 Revealed:Apology to the...":
"In order to reach a...budget of $38 million....PLANS WILL BE PUT IN MOTION (relying)solely on the grace of God..."(oxyMORON)..."PLANS WILL OFFER SPECIFICS ON HOW TO DO THAT.." (solely on the grace of God)oxyMORON! ..."POINTEDLY DIRECTING ALL TO THE 'WHY'...PERCENTAGE OF INCOME OFFERRED...(solely on the grace of God)-oxyMORON!
Now WELS is going to "pointedly direct" the faithful in how to be joyful while we shake 'em down, using the cross and the empty tomb-the most sacred living symbols in Scripture. Every WELS member should ask this self-invited intruder if the Synod will use these generous gifts in a manner worthy of the cross and the empty tomb. But, hey, an every-member visit! Dr. Jackson says pastors should do more visitations! And who says nobody reads Ichabod?
And to celebrate 500 years with no indulgences, Synod can indulge in more offerings! I mean, who started the Reformation anyway? And instead of praying for the dead, through estate planning the dead can be "joyful stewards" too.
This is even bigger than the Jubilee Bailout! In these days of rising unemployment, hyperinflation, and the possible collapse of the dollar, it's reassuring to know that WELS is just too big to fail.
Jim Becker
Jeske Church and Change