Saturday, March 26, 2011

Universalism in WELS

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Michelle Bachmann Is No Longer WELS":

Grumpy, I was looking up (W)ELS doctrinal statements on the role of women and ran across this on their Synod website which, lo and behold, declares Universal Justification and Salvation. (W)ELS laity need to get engaged before it's too late.

Why do most confessional Lutherans choose to limit leadership and authority roles in congregations to men?

We do believe and teach that men and women enjoy equal status and importance before God. Both men and women were created in the perfect holiness of the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Although that was lost in the fall into sin when as both men and women we became equally sinful before God (Romans 3:23), yet in Christ's life, death, and resurrection for us God has restored to us our position as his justified and holy children (Romans 3:24). As far as our status and importance before him as dearly loved children and heirs of heaven, whether we are female or male makes absolutely no difference (Galatians 3:26-29).


GJ - The Wisconsin sect begins with Enthusiasm, divorcing the Holy Spirit from the Word, by embracing universal absolution.

Luther warned that foul errors would rush in when the Means of Grace are denied. WELS is a good example of that happening.

Thank you, Brett, for providing more evidence of WELS Universalism, not to mention Holy Mother Synod's creative dogma, which lacks any Biblical foundation.