Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fraud and Peculation in Modern Theology.
Future Book Reviews

I owe a few book reviews. One post will take a look at several modern theologians. Here I am, vowing not to read modern theologians or buy catechisms, yet having them arrive by mail daily.

This is a thumbnail or preview. Modern theology, like modern Lutheranism, is full of fraud and peculation.

Fraud - the theologians have no "theo" in them. They use Christian terminology without the content, without knowing God or trembling at His Word.

Peculation is a nifty word I learned from obsessive reading. Peculation means embezzlement. I looked up the tuition charges at Duke University - for a PhD or a DMin. A PhD costs around $32,000 a year. A DMin is close to that, but the program only runs a short time since it is not a doctorate, just a fake one for preening pastors.

Mrs. Ichabod was offended that someone wrote to me and used Mr. instead of Dr.

I said, "The pastors who want to be known as Dr. are DMin Larry Olson, DMin Rich Krause, DMin Paul Calvin Kelm, DMin Steve Witte, DMin John Parlow. They have diminished the title as much as they have the word Lutheran. That's why we are Church of the Augsburg Confession."

The under-worked theology faculties (at Lutheran seminaries too) are demanding huge salaries from students who must borrow enormous sums of money to support their untheological professors. The Lutheran ones, too, are engaged in massive faud. They may believe in God, and have a sentimental attachment to the Bible, but they are not Lutheran.

The difference between an ELCA seminary professor and a Syn Conference seminary professor is slight in both respects. ELCA pays better, but its system is also imploding.