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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Why All the "Christian Academies" Popping Up in WELS?
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School":
"They deny however that this is in any way marketing."
Then why? Tell me! Why? Give me the surveys, statistics, and expert opinion that "Christian Academy" is an improvement over "Lutheran School."
What's the agenda? Give it to me in plain English.
GJ - John Lawrenz, a Church and Changer, must have touched the Blarney Stone, because he has the gift of blarney. He said in 1987 that Missouri had degenerated to recruiting anyone for their schools, while WELS could keep their own as parochial schools.
The Christian Academy idea comes from the WELS consultants. They demand thousands of dollars from the parish to advise the congregation to adopt Fuller marketing methods. The idea, AC V, is to open up the school to everyone, to make it a generic private school, with a sentimental attachment to the Christian faith, so no one is offended by Lutheran doctrine.
"Rev. Figwhistle, if I enroll Buffy and Sparky in your school, will you force them to learn Lutheran doctrine?"
Obviously, the Lutheran name is a terrible burden, truly a cross to bear.
School is a bit annoying, too, implying lessons to be learned. Academy is more like Plato's Academy and has a nice ring to it.
The LCA had very few parochial schools. In fact, I never knew of one, and I was in many of their congregations. The ALC had some parochial schools. Missouri was known for its school system.
Long ago, every WELS congregation seemed to have a school attached, from the start. It may have been tiny, but it was there. The church sign said, "Salem Lutheran Church and School. WELS," the only variation being the name of the church.
Robert Schuller advocated dropping the denominational label on churches. His Garden Grove Community Church is bankrupt.
Paul Kuske, Roger Zehms, and Floyd Luther Stolzenburg started Pilgrim Community Church in Grove City, Ohio. Attendance was three (3) on one Sunday, and the folly collapsed to the sound of laughter all over the Michigan District. Paul, Roger, and Floyd were the experts in Church Growth in the district.
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School":
My experience says that "Christian Academy" means taking in anybody from anywhere also long as their tuition checks don't bounce. Usually it's done because "if we didn't do it we couldn't keep the school open". So much for Lutheran education.
Scott E. Jungen