One Eponymous Archon ( has left a new comment on your post "We Do Not Know If This Is True Until WELS Denies I...":
Hello Dr. Jackson,
I've had my computer off for a while. Just getting caught up on the carziness going on in the Wisconsin SIN-Nod.
I know it is very politically incorrect, but I believe Mr. Kipling had it right -
"Take up the white man's burden -
Send forth the best ye breed -
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captive's need."
WELS should be more concerned about preaching the pure Gospel to needy souls and less about following their prescriptions.
Besides, isn't there a WELS church somewhere in Wisconsin with a women who is in charge of worship? I believe I saw such on your site once some time ago. Thus, isn't the synod's action the height of hypocrisy? It would seem so, or I'm not -
One Eponymous Archon
GJ - Asking about women pastors on Ichabod seems a bit disingenuous. But I will return the soft lob...and then some.
Yes, Randy Hunter's Latte
I imagine there are more, since the dual issue is "women usurping authority" and "women teaching men." Roger Kovaciny in Columbus hit a three-bagger: he had a non-WELS woman teaching men that WELS was wrong about that issue.
In Columbus, Mike Nitz set up a Sunday cell group taught by a husband and wife. The husband disappeared. When someone questioned this, the woman who was teaching men said, "I'm in charge of this group!" I was condemned for bringing this up at a conference, where we were supposed to discuss such things. By now, many people know the drill - "It has to be done in exactly the right way or the person objecting is condemned as a criminal on the spot." That is what happened.
WELS Parish Ministers of the female persuasion were consecrating Holy Communion. The ELS/WELS Bored of Doctrine decided it was not good timing. (Do not wait for a Jay Webber post on that issue.) Women consecrating Holy Communion came from Larry Olson's Fuller Church Growth program at Mary Lou College. The ELCA/Fuller agenda prevails in WELS. Give credit to Hybels at Willow Creek, too. He will not use a Bible translation unless it is a feminist one (a parallel to Christian Worship). Men have to accept women in authority over them at Willow Creek or they cannot join. So WELS has trained oodles of people there.
According to the email, the couple was fired for unionism. Like:
- A Roman Catholic archbishop teaching at Willowcreek's Liberal College, joined by additional priests for a series of lectures?
- Martin Marty lecturing at WLC?
- Martin Marty lecturing WELS-ELCA-LCMS on evangelism in Orlando?
- Ski and a group of WELS workers worshiping with Andy Stanley?
- Kudu Don Patterson taking a group of WELS workers to Exponential, a pan-demon Enthusiasm conference?
- Ed Stetzer hired to teach at Church and Change? This blog publicized that one.
- Leonard Sweet hired to teach at Church and Change?
- David Valleskey, Reuel Schulz, Frosty Bivens, Larry Olson, Paul Calvin Kelm, and Jim Huebner (plus many more) being trained at Fuller Seminary?
- Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katie worshiping with various Enthusiasts, including Groeschel, Stanley, Driscoll?
- WELS missions sending so many people to Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield, that WELS is listed twice in their academic bulletin?
- SP Mischke in leadership meetings (Snowbird) with ELCA and Missouri?
- The joint worship program called Joy, with ELCA and Missouri?
- Thrivent programs?
- Funding the Salvation Army?
- Funding the United Nations?
Here is the best one of all - WELS Pastor Tim Glende plagiarizing Groeschel, a false teacher, lying about it, and condemning me anonymously on his icky blog. Condemning as unionism the quoting of Lutheran authors!
Hypocrisy or humor? WELS does nothing about Glende, Ski, or Deputy Doug Englebrecht.
But SP Schroeder wanted to tell me off via Brett Meyer at Emmaus. He thought twice about it and desisted.