Thursday, June 2, 2011

According to Bored, Randy Hunter Looks in a Mirror
And Sees God

bored has left a new comment on your post "Another Strawy Epistle:Perish Services Pleads for ...":

What does snow and the Church Growth Movement have in common? Both are made up of flakes.

Did anyone else get the fullness of what Hunter is saying here? According to him, God made churches with their strengths AND weaknesses because God doesn't like to be bored. And here I would've thought sinful man was responsible for the weaknesses in churches. hm...

Randy, I'm remarkably bored by you because you seek to make God from an image of yourself--and call me crazy, but if we're going to remake God according to the strictures of contemporary populism I just don't think you are quite qualified.

By the by: The Latte Lutheran churches aren't just filled with young hipsters who only have themselves to blame if they lose their faith while sipping the double-whip false doctrine of Enthusiasm. I happen to know that in Hunter's congregation there are several cognitively vulnerable children--whose eternal souls are in the hands of Pastor Randy and their idiot parents.

Let us pray for these.