Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Heidenreich and the LutherQueasies

Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "LutherQueasies, As Seen by Bored":

I spent the last couple of hours perusing through the following thread on LutherQuest entitled "Objective Justification, How important is it?"

The thread began on November 3rd, 2004, and petered off on February 18th, 2005. I started in around the December 14th mark, just in time to see a rousing debate begin between Dr. Erich Heidenreich (whose work I am familiar with in a totally unrelated blog, "Lutherans and Procreation"), Pr. Rolf Preus, and a plethora of others (this may be the same thread that Brett Meyer was trying to link to elsewhere; I am uncertain).

I found it particularly enthralling to observe the arguments go around and around, especially when it came to the attacks lodged against Heidenreich and the contentions he raised, both of which I related to completely. As far as attacks are concerned, Pr. Preus went so far as to fallaciously assert that Heidenreich was a "disciple" of Dr. Jackson, when the former asserted he'd never heard of the latter before being wrongly associated with him!

In any case, I'm sure this is all water under the bridge by now, so there is no need to post this on the main page or anything. I just thought I would muse and share my discovery, as well as the link for anyone else who needs a semi-entertaining way to kill (literally) a few hours. It is worth reading, however, to see a thorough defense of Confessional justification theology at the expense of OJ/SJ marauders.

Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "LutherQueasies, As Seen by Bored":

Ha! No sooner did I submit my previous comment than did I discover the following recantation (quoted by Brett Meyer here on Ichabod, of all places) of the long thread I just spent so much time reading:

"" (in the comments)



GJ - The man's last name caught my eye. He is related to a Missouri Synod pastor I met in Sturgis. The dentist and I corresponded a little, because I was glad someone else was challenging LQ Enthusiasm.

He provided many good challenges to their fantasies, all from his own analytical thinking. Rolf attacked him, naturally.

As I recall, there was a pause, then Heidenreich surrendered to them. That is where I got the Stormtrooper theme from - the way the UOJ clergy treat the laity.

Rolf will never admit that his father quoted Calov, below, favorably, and added a Quenstedt citation to his repudiation of UOJ.

If anyone questions their precious UOJ, he is accused of being my disciple, and I am accused of being Larry Darby's disciple and WAM.s's disciple, too. Rolf is full of accusations, forgetting that he agreed with the justification by faith chapter I sent to him while I was working on Thy Strong Word. Rolf himself has wavered many times, but his Stormtrooper buddies have re-educated him and brought him back to Enthusiasm.