Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lutheran Leaders, Trained by Fuller Seminary,
Doubt the Word,
So They Teach against Faith

How does this doctrinal statement from the Formula of Concord affect you? I think it clarifies the power and effectiveness of Holy Communion. These words support and clarify faith in God, trust in His Word.

That old harlot Reason loves to say, "How can this be?" I read on one forum about non-Lutherans avoiding the Consecration and unionists of the Lutheran Left using similar words. Holy Communion is symbolic, and it is a memorial meal, in remembrance of the Last Supper. Christ is indeed spiritually present. But stopping there is a denial of the Word.

Jesus said, in plain Greek (since there is no Hebrew or Aramaic text) - "This is My Body."

He did not say, "This My Body" to confuse people. Greek is very good in the state of being verbs, which are irregular. I spent half of college memorizing irregular Greek verbs. (Thus I am never wrong, according to TG). LI was so good in Greek that NWC hired him to tutor others.

Jesus did not say, "This symbolizes My Body."

Nor did He say, "In the future, this will be My Body, but not right now, because the rationalists cannot handle that concept."

Holy Communion is the Gospel, using the Gospel itself to consecrate the elements: "given for you, for the forgiveness of sin."

Those who say, "We do not know when it is the Body and Blood of Christ" are fools who do not trust the power of the Word. Omitting the consecration has the same effect.

What do the Maggot Churches (Emergent Churches) do in Lutherdom? They hide the Sacraments because they trust in Willow Creek and Mars Hill, but not in God's Word. That is also why the Maggot Churches want a feminazi translation with Adam turned into a clever myth. Leading the way - Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

I was 25 years ahead on ELCA's apostasy. Only a few years ago, I taunted the ELCA congregations about leaving Whorely Mother Synod, following the example of the Episcopal Church breakup. At this point, no one can keep up with the exits from ELCA. LCMC has about 800 congregations. The bishops' synod, NALC, brand new, has around 200.

Thousands of letters of thanks are rolling in. Not exactly. My predictions about WELS are already coming true, at this convention. The SP has ordered a major cover-up on the MLC gay video, and the seminary is promoting the NNIV. The entire synod switched from justification by faith to Universal Objective Justification--from Gausewitz to Kuske--and no one noticed.