ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
Brett Meyer - On the Word of God and the Confessions
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post " bored has left a new comment on your post "Come...":
Bored, you may remember that I've agreed with you before that if an individual errs, but in his heart, by grace, he trusts in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins and salvation, he sins in his flesh but is not condemned as he's clothed in Christ's righteousness through faith. His new man in Christ does not sin.
Now that may be the case with your Vicar and other clergy who teach UOJ - I don't know. You seem to think you know, but that's not what this discussion is about for me. It's the fact that we have every right to test the spirits by applying the Word and the Lutheran Confessions. We have every right to say with Christ, if you believe and confess contrary to Christ's Word concerning the Gospel you remain under God's wrath and dying in that condition you will be damned. Is this not the Office of the Keys which all Christians have - to forgive or retain sins. Likewise when an individual comes to us in contrition to Christ over sin we give him the Gospel and assure him that through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins he is washed of all sin in the righteousness of Christ as he has obtained Christ as his Mediator between the Father and himself. He stands forgiven, justified and saved.
A point where I still have a contention with you is that you acknowledge that these mistaken pastors (as you've identified them) are still unwittingly teaching the false gospel of UOJ, and yet, you do not admonish them to cease and repent but allow them to continue teaching the sheep. The spiritual safety of the sheep needs to take priority over your gentle engagement with the pastor who, knowingly or not, is teaching a false gospel and leading people away from Christ and placing their souls in jeopardy. It's like having a Glock with a broken sear. You don't continue to keep it in the rotation as lives are in jeopardy. You take it out of rotation until the sear can be corrected and it's safe for use. So much more important is the soul than a physical life.
You need to prove from Scripture and the Confessions that I can't make a blanket statement that unless a person, pastor, church, Synod or Global religion believes in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins - they will be damned to hell forever. I can also say that if a denomination's official teaching is contrary to the Gospel of Christ and therefore if anyone truly confesses it, neither are Christian and the individual will be damned if he dies with that confession in his heart. The Roman Catholic Church by it's official confession calls anathema on the Gospel of Christ and anyone trusting alone in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. I therefore can clearly say that by it's official doctrinal statements the Roman Catholic Church is not Christian. I know the MLC kids are spitting their Juicy Fruit on the floor right now. I ask them, how can a church be Christian if by believing exactly what they teach a person remains under God's wrath over sin and will be condemned to Hell for eternity if they die in that confession? Bueller, Bueller...
I hold no animosity toward you and appreciate this discussion - that said it's important to see that I am not the one reading peoples hearts in this discussion but you are. I am judging their confession and applying Scripture saying that if they truly believe what they wrote and confessed then XYZ. You however are reading their hearts and saying that they don't really believe (at least some of them) what they are confessing and therefore are deserving of special kid glove treatment. I have seen by my approach - and it's not the same for everyone - that those truly having faith in Christ will stop and review the Scripture and the Confessions with a sincere desire to know and confess the truth, having heard Christ's voice, their Shepherd, in Scripture.
Yes, it's possible I believe something wrong. That is why I remain in the Word and Confessions, enjoying the opportunities to discuss Christian doctrine. Just last night I shared my confession concerning specific points of Holy Baptism with Pastor Jackson, asking him if my confession was faithful to Scripture and the Confessions. I've publicly retracted false statements that I've made here on Ichabod in the past. I know I can be wrong but I will not shrink back because I'm still a sinful human being. I would rather not sign my name to any public posts but, by the grace of God, I am confident in Scripture and the Confessions of the Church, I will speak openly, sign my name and take the consequences. Again, I'm grateful for the opportunity to discuss this with you.
Book of Concord