Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Time of Disgrace:
"We Keep You Alive To Serve This Ship"

2138 has left a new comment on your post "Convention Summary: Church and Change Shuts Out Op...":

I only caught the end of the discussion re. the Time of Grace memorial online, but I heard no dissenting votes; if there were any, they were few and quiet. The chairman of the committee that combined the two memorials into one quipped with relief that the difficult memorial was now done, which caused a nervous ripple of laughter among the delegates.

I guess we'll have to wait til the October COP meeting to once again hear that all the WELS is united in doctrine, and that the SEW district is "working to resolve things" with TOG, just in time for all of us to hold hands and celebrate "Walking Together" Sunday. Maybe instead of showing the WELS Connection after the service, we can view the new TOG episode so we can weep bitterly, rend our garments, and repent of our sin of questioning doctrine in WELS...


GJ - The WELS convention reminded me of the running joke on a Facebook page. The sentiment is supposedly the motto of a galley, rowed by slaves - "We keep you alive to serve this ship."