Sunday, July 31, 2011

UOJ Mission Work

UOJ is the reason WELS' Northwestern College served as the womb for Seminex, the AELC, and ELCA radicalism.

Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "Why Evangelize a Forgiven, Absolved, Saved World?":

The WELS response is:

We do mission work to tell the people who don't know they are not guilty that they are in fact not guilty and don't have to work themselves to heaven. If someone does not know they are not guilty, they are rejecting their not guilty status and their disbelief will send them to hell. Only unbelief damns, not actual sin. This is the official party line.


GJ -

Good summary - To which I add:

If you question Justification Without Faith, WELS will excommunicate you without any additional discussion, without following Matthew 18. If you question any practice of the sect, WELS will excommunicate you.