Budget Matters
The 2012 budget represents strategic use of funds and a commitment to continue faithful stewardship of the ministry entrusted to the churchwide organization, Wyvetta Bullock, ELCA executive for administration, said.
The proposed 2012 churchwide budget totals $80,292,900. This amount anticipates current fund income of $61,792,900, which represents a 19.5 percent decrease from the 2011 income proposal approved at the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The ELCA World Hunger fund portion of the budget is $18,500,000. Mission support is 76.1 percent of the current fund budget, down from 81.2 percent as proposed in 2009.
In the past three years, mission support for ministries through the churchwide organization has declined from $65.3 million to a projected $47 million for 2012. Subsequently, the churchwide organization’s budget has been reduced by nearly 24 percent, said Bullock. At the same time, this budget is presented to the assembly with gratitude for their partnership and “with confident hope in God’s faithfulness,” she said.
GJ - ELCA and its earlier components invented the Tetzel-like Planned Giving Counselors that WELS and Missouri use. That has been working great for them, no? The 1987 ELCA budget, NOT allowing for inflation adjustments, was going to be about $150 million, the total from the LCA and ALC. The actual budget ended up at around $120 million and kept declining in dollars, which means the decrease was even greater than that.
ELCA is in a world of hurt, even with licensing checks from WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect for their worship materials.
WELS just displayed its arrogance again, thanking Mark Jeske, ignoring the real Jeske issues, and spit-wadding the NNIV into WELS faces. Holy Mother Synod does not repent, and the floggings will continue until morale improves.