Monday, August 15, 2011

Missouri's CPH Promotes the Calvinist Edition of the RSV:
UOJ Headquarters a Calvinist Lair?
Doth McCain Knoweth?

Lookee here. That debbil Mark Driscoll, the cussin' preacher, the obscene homiletician, is knee to knee with J. I. Packer.
Was this before Driscoll became the mentor of Glende, Ski, and Bishop Katie? 
Or after?

I never took much interest in the ESV, because Pope Paul the Unlearned and CPH were promoting the latest flavor of the Bible. I suspected a reason for the ESV rhyming with RSV.

Taking some time from various book projects, I did some research on the ESV. The respected Calvinist theologian J. I. Packer is the senior editor of the ESV, and the ESV is nothing other than a remake of the National Council of Churches' Revised Standard Version.

I respect Packer as a Calvinist. He is true to his confession, unlike the shape-shifters in the LCMS. They are always chortling over justification by faith being "Calvism," but they are the ones promoting Calvinism as confessional Lutherans. As one of the thinkers in WELS wrote, Calvinism is no longer crypto.

The LCMS and WELS leaders are overt Calvinists. WELS is leading the race to the bottom (mainline translation NNIV, women's ordination) because there is little organized opposition and far too much power held by a few drunks, lazy-bones, and incompetents in that sect.

CPH will base all their new books on the ESV, which shares the double-whammy of coming from the RSV and the Calvinists. Thus the ESV will enjoy the heritage of manuscript manipulation and anti-Sacramental changes in the text.

But all the Lutherans scorn the KJV, which is the only Bible where the translator--Tyndale--enrolled at Wittenberg to study under Luther and Melanchthon, where the very first English printing came from Germany because of that relationship.

Unlike Moo, Tyndale did not earn fat paychecks from a billionaire sponsor. No, Tyndale was burned at the stake for his trouble.