Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gird Thy Loins for the ELCA Convention:
Theme - Bottoms Up!

"We could not have reached this point without the support of Thrivent, WELS, Missouri, and the ELS.
We covet the MLC gay video."

Here is the link

As readers know, I am in statu comatosis about all church conventions. They are meaningless gatherings of boring people who think they will accomplish something with a debate and a vote.

The decisions have been made. The committee chairs and members have been chosen to render the correct rubber-stamp on everything debated.

The only possible good result for this convention would be waking up a few more souls. The exit ramps are already crowded with people and congregations leaving.

I wrote about this in 1987 and published the book-lenth manuscript with my name on it.

Lemme see. Thirteen plus eleven equals 24. I was decades ahead of the masses who are now leaving ELCA.

The ELS is dead in the water. WELS and Missouri are collapsing. The LCMC and NALC may be the alternatives chosen by those escaping their Walter-Meyer cults.