Friday, August 12, 2011

Important Post To Read and Remember about Christian Doctrine

Read this. Memorize it. Repeat it over again before succumbing to Lutheran papalism.

I am going to quote from an email from a Lutheran layman:  

Thanks again, as I will would like to use you as a theological screen so I interpret scripture correctly as I am not knowledgeable in Hebrew and Greek. 
I am happy to discuss Christian doctrine with people all the time, especially since so much effort has been made to silence me. As one ex-pastor chuckled the other day, "They thought they were done with you."

People need to get something down firmly in their minds. The truth of God's Word is revealed only through the Spirit, not through advanced degrees. Biblical languages are useful to know, but not knowing them is not a barrier to spiritual knowledge.

Luther said in the sermon for this week (Lenker set) - "The more educated, the more perverted." That came from a man who was pleased to mention his doctorate in Biblical studies (from a Catholic university, no less). An advanced education can be a great asset in serving and protecting the institution, which responds in kind by protecting its protectors from any challenges. Therefore, these factors do not necessarily lead to a superior knowledge of the Word:
  1. A seminary degree.
  2. Ordination.
  3. A synodical position.
  4. Training in Hebrew and Greek.
  5. Advanced degrees.
First, someone must live in the Word. That includes, as an absolute necessity, engaging in doctrinal debates with people. Many clergy are useless because they spend far too much time in busy-work, goofing around, or synodical politics. Because they do not visit their own members or potential members, they have little grasp of the spiritual battles of others.

Many clergy have given up the battle themselves, so they move gradually from indolence to inertness to atheism.  Those who claim Biblical languages often do not use them much at all. WELS is always bragging about Hebrew and Greek, but that does not keep them from plagiarizing in English and defending the practice. Ask Deputy Doug Englebrecht, keeper of the flame.

It is easier to brag about Hebrew and Greek in front of people who have not studied either. In front of former classmates, the boast might evoke raucous laughter.

Secondly, the Word is clear and plain for everyone to grasp, regardless of station or education. If someone thinks the Word belongs to him, to interpret as he sees fit, then he will be blind to the truths of the Scriptures, no matter what he claims for himself. Faith in God is faith in His Word. That faith makes us bold to state those insights that come from God alone. They are hidden from man, especially the wise and powerful, but revealed to those considered foolish and weak.

Simply stating the truth will make the blind shriek the equivalent of - "You dare to arouse the wrath of the Great and Terrible Oz!?" The wrath is not faked, because the truth stirs up their Father Below, who answers through his servants. They will get even. They will never finish getting even.They will take out their wrath on everyone in the victim's families. They justify their rage by adding slander to their other crimes. In fact, they oppose justification by faith while specializing in self-justification.

This is all people need to be experts in discerning the spiritual truths of the Bible:
  • The King James Bible.
  • The Book of Concord.
  • Lenker's Sermons of Luther.
  • Lenski.