Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Join These Jolly People in Mocking the Means of Grace

But, can anyone get lower than WELS Pastor Scott Oelhafen preaching, I Am So Glad Jesus Rode a Hog - to celebrate the Harley Davidson franchise?
Steve Jobs is a nominal Lutheran. How about an Apple Sunday? That would be suitable for The CORE - they use Apples.


Re:The youtube of the "mocking of the Means of Grace" .   The choice of Dr. Seuss characters complete with costumes may not be be so far out considering the context of where synods are heading.   Dr. Seuss books may have more to do with the lowered literacy of recent generations  in general when phonics method of teaching reading was abandoned or diluted in favor of "look say" method.   The timing wasn't too far removed from the timing of the KJV having been dispatched to the waste baskets.

Dr. Theodore Geisel, the real name of the author of the Dr. Seuss books, wrote the books in response to a request of someone from a text book company.   The request was that he write a book (books) for early elementary grade reading, using no more than 348 words, limited to 225 words per book.  The Cat in the Hat was the first.  That can be documented on Wikipedia and many other sources with a simple google search. The books were instrumental in supporting the replacing of phonics with "look say" method of teaching reading which contributed mightily to the dumbing down of a couple generations. In later life,  Dr.Geisel is reported to have said he regretted the association of his work with the "look say" method of teaching reading.

So it's not  too much of a stretch that Dr. Seuss characters would be featured  by that pathetic display, when the NNIV is being seriously considered as acceptable.  If it weren't for copyright obstacles, NNIV could be promoted as the  Dr.Seuss Bible for literacy challenged pew occupants.


This style of writing also appeared to be in Dr. Geisel's nature. During WWII, he was assigned to write training manuals for the US Army. He was re-assigned when the manuals sounded too much like what we would call a "Dr. Suess" book today.
