Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Good NNIV Post Followed by a Synod Minder.
No! No! Ninevah!

Anonymous said...
I agree with the general sentiments. The translation is the soft-sell version of the Historical Critical method. I ask myself, if the translators were willing to mess with the gender, what other things did they change? Do we believe the Bible was inspired word-for-word, or did God inspire general concepts? An eighth grader confirmand would know better. Meanwhile I was told by an shall-remain-nameless seminary professor, regarding the NIV 2011 that "perhaps my faith isn't ready to understand why gender neutrality is okay, and that "every translation is treason".

If the WELS accepts the NIV 2011 it is siding with many other Sects who do not believe in plenary verbal inspiration. May this not be!!

But really, it shows how deep the systemic rot is in the WELS to show that the Synod (on any level) would even consider that translation. The Southern Baptists are even laughing at us--aghast that the WELS is struggling over the matter. (hanging my head)

I would hope that Confessional WELS pastors and congregations would tell the Synod "we will not use nor purchase any materials containing the NIV 2011, nor will we vouch for the orthodoxy of any church who uses the translation.

Tim Meyers
July 16, 2011 5:39 PM
  http://stevebauer.ushttp://stevebauer.usHYPERLINK "http://stevebauer.us"Pastor Steve Bauer said...
Tim Meyers wrote:

"But really, it shows how deep the systemic rot is in the WELS to show that the Synod (on any level) would even consider that translation. The Southern Baptists are even laughing at us--aghast that the WELS is struggling over the matter. (hanging my head)"

I'm curious of where your proof is that Southern Baptists are laughing at us. The Baptists I am in contact with who are studying the NIV-11 (and other bibles) are seriously saddened that their own brothers rushed to a decision on this matter without studying it further. And by no means are they laughing at us. I hope you're speaking hyperbolically. Because if you're not, you'll have to produce evidence that a sizable amount of Baptists even know that the WELS exists (Most I've talked to don't). But in addition to that, you'll have to produce evidence that they are indeed laughing at us.

Also, you'll also have to show how considering the NIV-11 as a translation option for our synod proves that there is "systemic rot" in the WELS.

You bring forth serious charges against our church. Unless you bring forth real and substatial proof, I have no choice but to conclude that you are breaking the 8th commandment.

If you really do think that the WELS is in error for considering the NIV-11 as a translation option, then this is not the forum to speak of such things first. Speak to your pastor, congregational president, circuit pastor, in keeping with Matthew 18.

Why does this blog tolerate such flagrant breaking of the 8th commandment unchecked?

--Pastor Steve Bauer
July 17, 2011 11:34 AM 

Some things don't look right from the start. Ya know what I'm sayin'?