Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another Love Note from an Anonymous Stormtrooper

Who's the moron?

d3ee1598-f5b2-11e0-b80f-000bcdcb5194 ( has left a new comment on your post "Double-down on Martin Chemnitz":

Wow, you're a total idiot. Seriously? You can't figure out that words mean different things in different contexts- like that the word "justification" can refer to either the act of forgiveness or the act of receiving forgiveness. You moron! You got kicked out of 5 denominations and screwed up your family's medical insurance because you don't have a command of the English language! Unbelievable!


GJ - When the arrow hits, the feathers fly. I wonder why two universities have me teaching the craft of writing.  My tummy was shaking with laughter while reading this hysterical post. Such Enthusiasm! Such courage!


d3ee1598-f5b2-11e0-b80f-000bcdcb5194 ( has left a new comment on your post "Another Love Note from an Anonymous Stormtrooper":

My name is Rev. Rick Jordan. Sorry my name didn't come up. Nice to see your rhetorical strategy of pretending actual rational challenges are laughable is still in place. [GJ - Run-on sentence, gets a D in composition.] Enjoy your cult and your stupid followers.


Look at this geneology, a fascination he shares with Jay Webber. Jordan is LCMS.