churchmousec ( has left a new comment on your post "Joe Krohn: "Don't Pray for Me, Fake-0-Blogger"":
Joe, I have read your ongoing story here on Ichabod and offer my humble prayers for you and your family. I cannot imagine what you folks are going through. Rest assured, God's grace will guide you to a better church home in time.
As to Notre Dame, with apologies to Dr Jackson, I can speak only with assurance about what goes on at the Golden Dome. If these bizarre events have been observed (questionable), then they would appear to be a warning.
Seven years ago, the university invited Tarik Ramadan to be a guest professor for a semester. He had some visa problems which prevented that happening. A number of ND professors were outraged. Meanwhile, the French newspaper Le Monde -- left-of-centre -- featured a number of articles detailing why Ramadan had to exile himself to Switzerland. His views were too extreme for the French government, which was, at the time, seeking to build new mosques for a growing Muslim population.
Back at ND, and on a more mundane scale, a number of things have occurred on campus over the past 40+ years which are, frankly, not befitting our Lord Jesus Christ -- or His mother. This includes acts by students, faculty and alumni.
Feel free, Dr Jackson, not to publish this, but if there are weird things happening -- which I doubt on a rational level (however interesting the accounts) -- they might be 'appearing' to those who have a need for repentance.
I would not recommend that university to anyone.
GJ - I am happy to publish this. I have been following events at Notre Dame for decades, and I have reported on them. Two of the homosexual worship professors were atheists, and one of them was likely murdered, with the crime scene cleaned up by the future president of ND, an ethics professor.
I thought giving an honorary degree to Obama was ND's low point, because of Obama's virulent pro-abortion stance. The "conservative" Lutherans are just as hypocritical, working with Thrivent and ELCA. Appleton is headquarters for Church and Change, and for Thrivent.
The traditionalists say that the Notre Dame board is simply money-minded and completely apostate. Two of my fellow theology students (Roman Catholics) were disgusted that I believed in the Virgin Birth of Christ and His actual resurrection. One is teaching at a Catholic college today. The other is president of a famous Catholic college.
The world-wide state of Christian apostasy is the reason for this blog. The apostates do not want me to write about them.
"When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"
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