Mark and Avoid Jeske's father promoted the NIV. Mark's brother Tom smirked his way through the NNIV presentation at the convention. Mark sat with his buddies and watched. |
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Darwin Schauer Is Only a Hint of the Lawsuits To C...":
The longer I live, the more I am becoming convinced that Christian denominations [sadly and pathetically] possess spiritual inbreeding. After reading this posting about some early LCMS history, I am now becoming convinced that physical inbreeding may be a major forerunner to denominational spiritual inbreeding.
It greatly distresses me that WELS would even consider the NIV11 as an option for official WELS publications, as it looks to a different Bible translation to replace the 1984 NIV.
I keep reading that WELS and our local congregation are committed to Christian belief and practice, based upon the inerrant Word of God. However, the very consideration of the gender neutral NIV11 renders that professed, resolve, inconsistent.
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Warning: this post is offensive to Larry Olson's women ministers. |
Adopting a gender neutral Bible is tantamount to messing with God's Word. I prefer to liken it to "molestation" of God's written revelation. Adopting gender neutrality in Scripture is humanly micro managing and tweaking Scripture to suit one's own (carnal political correctness, Bible study slothfulness, or, whatever) desires and / or, ends. There is no Scriptural or rational excuse to intentionally remove and / or alter Scripture's patriarchal language. Doing so would be akin to literary revisionism, - as altering other literary works of antiquity, such as Homer's Iliad, Caesar's Gallic Wars, Josephus’ writings, etc. Even in the secular world, I’m convinced that many would consider this type of editing alteration, unconscionable.
Scripture, itself makes it clear that "every word of God is pure." Scripture, (itself) also states that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God" [God-breathed - the very words] - [Proverbs 30:5-6 ; 2 Timothy 3:14-17]
If WELS leadership and congregational pastors would be (Biblically) wise, they would drop the NIV11 consideration from the mix of options. Presently, I'm reminded of the Scriptural reality: ".....Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you....." [2 Corinthians 6:14-18 - in context]
Finally, I never thought I'd witness the day that a Conservative Lutheran Christian denominational church body would ever entertain adopting a gender neutral translation, which, essentially, departs from the Reformation sola scriptura principle. I can't believe that our Triune God ever intended that His Word (and very words) be conveyed in any other way than what His Holy Spirit breathed to His inspired authors.
Various comments from Lutheran laity:
Thanks for posting the Luther sermon re the closed doors. I first read
this a few years back and it was nice to be able to go over it again. It
certainly helps to explain a lot of things about what the Holy Ministry is all
about. There is a lot noise which interferes with a true understanding of what
Lutheran theology is all about.
I noticed in my weekly troll through the Lutheran comic section, [Luther
Quest] some interesting things. Every one, it seems, wants to enforce the rules
of what everyone else should think.
How can Fox Valley and the Intrepid Lutherans be in the same synod?
Yet Another:
I'm going to have to judge a church on an individual basis. The WELS I had been attending here in this district definitely towed the party line, but when I visited my relative in WI and attended another WELS church, the difference was day and night. Traditional liturgy and a great Gospel sermon, so it really depends on the church.
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Not a Photoshop. |
GJ - The dissolution of the Lutheran synods has begun.
ELCA proved it could happen - even with iron-fisted lady bishops, so WELS can do it with their suffragettes, trimmers, and snake-handlers.
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Not a Photoshop. |
WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Darwin Schauer Is Only a Hint of the Lawsuits To C...":
Thankyou Pastor Bickel. Might you be considered as a guest speaker for the many district conventions that will take place this June?
In Christ,
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Darwin Schauer Is Only a Hint of the Lawsuits To C...":
Rebecca - Re: Your April 16, 2012 2:23 PM comment reply:
Thank you for the very kind thought. But, I rather doubt that I would be invited by the district leaderships and / or their perspective convention committees. My wife and I are recent "additions" to our local WELS parish. It may take another 30 years to be totally accepted there. So, then how, in the world, would I be even considered to speak on a district level?
My thinking is such: If the various many WELS tightly bound group of leaderships (in the first place), can't seriously comprehend what they are doing by placing the [new] NIV 11 in the synodical consideration mix, then nothing what I or anyone else would, or could say, opposing it, - [and, questioning their judgment], would make a difference. It seems as though a large percentage of them have allowed themselves to be led around by the Translation Evaluation Committee. Else why would the (biased bent) translation committee's 4 part synodical Bible study be even allowed, featuring the new NIV 11 gender neutral translation, as a show prep?
I was born into a Lutheran family, baptized as an infant; became an LCMS parish pastor in my early forties. Presently, my wife and I are WELS members. It will be a sad story to witness when fellow Lutherans feel that they must (in good conscience) eschew other Lutherans over the gender neutral NIV 11 on the basis of the Scriptural principle of Romans 16:17-20. That Scripture has been utilized for years by Lutherans to separate them from opposing denominational Christian communions who practice false doctrine, not in accordance with the whole of Scripture. Now, I see the day fast approaching when that (same Romans) Scripture can and will be utilized as a viable (and conscienable) rationale to separate from other Lutherans.
Again, Rebecca, thank you for the thought of being invited as a guest speaker. But, "as" Father Abraham responded to the Rich Man in Christ's parable, they [WELS leaderships] have (available) "Moses and the prophets" [Luke 16:19-31]
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Darwin Schauer Is Only a Hint of the Lawsuits To C...":
Rebecca - Re: Your April 16, 2012 2:23 PM comment reply:
Thank you for the very kind thought. But, I rather doubt that I would be invited by the district leaderships and / or their perspective convention committees. My wife and I are recent "additions" to our local WELS parish. It may take another 30 years to be totally accepted there. So, then how, in the world, would I be even considered to speak on a district level?
My thinking is such: If the various many WELS tightly bound group of leaderships (in the first place), can't seriously comprehend what they are doing by placing the [new] NIV 11 in the synodical consideration mix, then nothing what I or anyone else would, or could say, opposing it, - [and, questioning their judgment], would make a difference. It seems as though a large percentage of them have allowed themselves to be led around by the Translation Evaluation Committee. Else why would the (biased bent) translation committee's 4 part synodical Bible study be even allowed, featuring the new NIV 11 gender neutral translation, as a show prep?
I was born into a Lutheran family, baptized as an infant; became an LCMS parish pastor in my early forties. Presently, my wife and I are WELS members. It will be a sad story to witness when fellow Lutherans feel that they must (in good conscience) eschew other Lutherans over the gender neutral NIV 11 on the basis of the Scriptural principle of Romans 16:17-20. That Scripture has been utilized for years by Lutherans to separate them from opposing denominational Christian communions who practice false doctrine, not in accordance with the whole of Scripture. Now, I see the day fast approaching when that (same Romans) Scripture can and will be utilized as a viable (and conscienable) rationale to separate from other Lutherans.
Again, Rebecca, thank you for the thought of being invited as a guest speaker. But, "as" Father Abraham responded to the Rich Man in Christ's parable, they [WELS leaderships] have (available) "Moses and the prophets" [Luke 16:19-31]