Friday, April 13, 2012

Steadfast Missourians - Meet "Page Not Found"

Adolph Hoenecke has left a new comment on your post "Surrender! - A New Perfume Stench from Steadfast L...":

Well, the whip has come down in the LC-MS. Shall we wager to see how long it takes to come down in the WELS?


Rev. Todd Wilken's article, "Some Thoughts about the Man Behind the Curtain," posted today on BJS, had some nine comments earlier this morning. All comments have now been deleted and the Comment section closed.

Something is going on. Perhaps some LCMS lawyer has put a painfully tight grip on sensitive areas of BJS moderators.

Rick Strickert, LQ


The links above to BJS articles are "404", of course.

They haven't gotten to the Park Rapids newspaper yet.

Helen E. Jensen, LQ