ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Martin Luther Sermons
Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog
Bethany Lutheran Church P.O. Box 6561 Springdale AR 72766 Reformation Seminary Lectures USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines 10 AM Central - Sunday Service
We use The Lutheran Hymnal and the King James Version
Luther's Sermons: Lenker Edition
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Table of Contents - Volume 3.
Luther's Sermons
Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday After Easter. John 10:11-16. Christ’s Office and Kingdom; or How Christ is the True Shepherd
Second Sermon: Preachers, Civil Authorities, and the Knowledge of Christ
Third Sermon: The Good Shepherd and his Sheep; or Christ’s Person, Office and Rulership
Jubilate. Third Sunday After Easter. John 16:16-23. How Christ Comforted his Disciples in View of his Departure
Second Sermon : Christ’s Death and Resurrection; Christ Comforts his Disciples, and the Joy of the World
Third Sermon: Christ’s Death and Resurrection; the Comfort Christ Ministers to his Disciples, and the World’s Joy
Cantate. Fourth Sunday After Easter. John 16:5-15. How the Holy Spirit Convicts the World of Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
Second Sermon: Sin, Righteousness and the Cross
Third Sermon: Christ’s Kingdom and the Convicting and Teaching Office of the Holy Spirit
Rogate. Fifth Sunday After Easter. John 16:23-30. Christ’s Sermon on Prayer; or Prayer in Christ’s Name
Second Sermon: Five Requisites of True Prayer
Day of Christ’s Ascension Into Heaven. Mark 16:14-20. Christ Commissions his Disciples to Preach the Gospel
Second Sermon: Christ Upbraids his Disciples with their Unbelief, and his Missionary Commission
Third Sermon: The Hardness of the Disciples’ Hearts, Christ’s Missionary Commission, and the Signs Following
Sunday After Christ’s Ascension . John 15:26-16:4. A Sermon of Comfort and Admonition
Second Sermon: The Holy Spirit and his Witness of Christ, and the Persecution of Christians Because of it; or the Consolation and Prophecy Christ Gives his Disciples
Pentecost or Whitsunday. John 14:23-31. The Holy Spirit to Teach and Remind the Disciples of all Christ Taught
Second Sermon: Sermon of Comfort Christ Preaches to his Disciples; or Love to Christ and the Comfort of the Spirit
Third Sermon: The Promise of the Holy Spirit to those who Love Christ, and his Comfort because of his Departure; or Christ Gives his Disciples a Five-Fold Promise
Pentecost Monday. John 3:16-21. Christ as Mediator and Savior and his Judgment on the World and Believers
Second Sermon: God’s Love and Gifts in Christ, and Christ’s Judgment on the World and Believers
Pentecost Tuesday. John 10:1-11. The Preaching Office, the Preachers and Hearers
Second Sermon: Three Classes of Preachers; or How We Enter the Sheepfold through Christ and the Sheep hear.
Pentecost Wednesday. John 6:44-51. Faith and Coming to Christ, and the True Bread from Heaven
Trinity Sunday . John 3:1-15. The Holy Trinity, and Christ’s Conversation with Nicodemus on the New Birth
Second Sermon: Christ’s Sermon to Nicodemus on the New Birth, and the Righteousness that Avails before God
Table of Contents Volume 3